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JarvanMo / Android-OkHttp-Jerry

Licence: other
OkHttp Utils

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Jerry is just a Utils for OKHTTP in Android.It has FLUENT APIS .

From ok-http 3 , square has changed lots of its apis , so I'm still developing the new version of Jerry. I'll give a sample later.


it's simple! I also give a smaple in my lib.

      RequestParams params = new RequestParams();
        params.put("key", "value");

        try {
            params.put("fileKey",new File("filepath"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      Jerry.with(context).load("your url").post(params).result(new JerryCallBack());

context is not necessary , so you can also do this

     Jerry.load("your url").post(params).result(new JerryCallBack());

if you are not concerned about your result

    Jerry.load("your url").post(params).result();

with configration.The default connection and read timeout are 10s,but you can customize them for a special call.

Jerry.load("your url").post(params).noProgressBar().tag(this).connectionTimeout(10000).readTimeout(1000).result();


  • if you try to cancel a null object you'll get an exception


Note: -no matter what kind method you use such as pot,download, you will always get String in onSuccess(String result)., so you use GSON or fastjson etc to parse the result.When you wanna download something,you'll get it's path in onSuccess(String result), when downlading , Jerry will call onDownload(int totalSize, int curSize) back, in the other method ,it's never called.

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