All Projects → nicolai86 → ansible-prepare-release

nicolai86 / ansible-prepare-release

Licence: MIT license
prepare a new release of any GIT versioned software using ansible


Prepare-release checks out the next application version from your GIT scm, symlinks common folders and files and creates necessary folders etc.

Forms a traditional deployment cycle in conjunction with rails-deployment and finalize-release.

example usage:

- hosts: server
  user: app
  gather_facts: False
    user: app
    home_directory: "/home/{{ user }}"
    deploy_to: "{{ home_directory }}"

      role: nicolai86.prepare-release

      repo: [email protected]:app
      branch: develop

        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/vendor/bundle", dest: "{{ build_path }}/vendor/bundle" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/public/assets", dest: "{{ build_path }}/public/assets" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/log", dest: "{{ build_path }}/log" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/.env", dest: "{{ build_path }}/.env" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/config/database.yml", dest: "{{ build_path }}/config/database.yml" }

        - "{{ shared_path }}/config"

        - { src: "templates/env.js", dest: "{{ shared_path }}/.env" }

prepare a new release of any GIT versioned software using ansible

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