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WICG / App History

Licence: other
The app history API provides a web application-focused way of managing same-origin same-frame history entries and navigations.


App History API

The web's existing history API is problematic for a number of reasons, which makes it hard to use for web applications. This proposal introduces a new one, which is more directly usable by web application developers to address the use cases they have for history introspection, mutation, and observation/interception.

This new window.appHistory API layers on top of the existing API and specification infrastructure, with well-defined interaction points. The main differences are that it is scoped to the current origin and frame, and it is designed to be pleasant to use instead of being a historical accident with many sharp edges.


The existing history API is hard to deal with in practice, especially for single-page applications. In the best case, developers can work around this with various hacks. In the worst case, it causes user-facing pain in the form of lost state and broken back buttons, or the inability to achieve the desired navigation flow for a web app.

The main problems are:

  • Managing and introspecting your application's history list, and associated application state, is fragile. State can be lost sometimes (e.g. due to fragment navigations); the browser will spontaneously insert entries due to iframe navigations; and the existing popstate and hashchange events are unreliable. We solve this by providing a view only onto the history entries created directly by the application, and the ability to look at all previous entries for your app so that no state is ever lost.

  • It's hard to figure out all the ways that navigations can occur, so that an application can synchronize its state or convert those navigations into single-page navigations. We solve this by exposing events that allow the application to observe all navigation actions, and substitute their own behavior in place of the default.

  • Various parts of the platform, e.g. accessibility technology, the browser's UI, and performance APIs, do not have good visibility into single-page navigations. We solve this by providing a standardized API for telling the browser when a single-page navigation starts and finishes.

  • Some of the history APIs are clunky and hard to understand. We solve this by providing a new interface that is easy for developers to use and understand.

Sample code

An application or framework's centralized router can use the navigate event to implement single-page app routing:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  if (!e.canRespond || e.hashChange) {

  if (routesTable.has(e.destination.url)) {
    const routeHandler = routesTable.get(e.destination.url);

A page-supplied "back" button can actually take you back, even after reload, by inspecting the previous history entries:

backButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
  if (appHistory.entries[appHistory.entries.current.index - 1]?.url === "/product-listing") {
  } else {
    // If the user arrived here by typing the URL directly:

The new currentchange event fires whenever the current history entry changes, and includes the time it took for a single-page application nav to settle:

appHistory.addEventListener("currentchange", e => {
  if (e.startTime) {
    analyticsPackage.sendEvent("single-page-app-nav", { loadTime: e.timeStamp - e.startTime });

Table of contents

Problem statement

Web application developers, as well as the developers of router libraries for single-page applications, want to accomplish a number of use cases related to history:

  • Intercepting cross-document navigations, replacing them with single-page navigations (i.e. loading content into the appropriate part of the existing document), and then updating the URL bar.

  • Performing single-page navigations that create and push a new entry onto the history list, to represent a new conceptual history entry.

  • Navigating backward or forward through the history list via application-provided UI.

  • Synchronizing application or UI state with the current position in the history list, so that user- or application-initiated navigations through the history list appropriately restore application/UI state.

The existing history API is difficult to use for these purposes. The fundamental problem is that window.history surfaces the joint session history of a browsing session, and so gets updated in response to navigations in nested frames, or cross-origin navigations. Although this view is important for the user, especially in terms of how it impacts their back button, it doesn't map well to web application development. A web application cares about its own, same-origin, current-frame history entries, and having to deal with the entire joint session history makes this very painful. Even in a carefully-crafted web app, a single iframe can completely mess up the application's history.

The existing history API also has a number of less-fundamental, but still very painful, problems around how its API shape has grown organically, with only very slight considerations for single-page app architectures. For example, it provides no mechanism for intercepting navigations; to do this, developers have to intercept all click events, cancel them, and perform the appropriate history.pushState() call. The history.state property is a very bad storage mechanism for application and UI state, as it disappears and reappears as you transition throughout the history list, instead of allowing access to earlier entries in the list. And the ability to navigate throughout the list is limited to numeric offsets, with history.go(-2) or similar; thus, navigating back to an actual specific state requires keeping a side table mapping history indices to application states.

To hear more detail about these problems, in the words of a web developer, see @dvoytenko's "The case for the new Web History API". See also @housseindjirdeh's "History API and JavaScript frameworks".


Overall, our guiding principle is to make it easy for web application developers to write applications which give good user experiences in terms of the history list, back button, and other navigation UI (such as open-in-new-tab). We believe this is too hard today with the window.history API.

From an API perspective, our primary goals are as follows:

  • Allow easy conversion of cross-document navigations into single-page app same-document navigations, without fragile hacks like a global click handler.

  • Improve the accessibility of single-page app navigations (1, 2, 3), ideally to be on par with cross-document navigations, when they are implemented using this API.

  • Provide a uniform way to signal single-page app navigations, including their duration.

  • Provide a reliable system to tie application and UI state to history entries.

  • Continue to support the pattern of allowing the history list to contain state that is not serialized to the URL. (This is possible with history.pushState() today.)

  • Provide events for notifying the application about navigations through the list of history entries, which they can use to synchronize application or UI state.

  • Allow analytics (first- or third-party) to watch for navigations, including gathering timing information about how long they took, without interfering with the rest of the application.

  • Provide a way for an application to reliably navigate through its own history list.

  • Provide a reasonable layering onto and integration with the existing window.history API, in terms of spec primitives and ensuring non-terrible behavior when both are used.


  • Allow web applications to intercept user-initiated navigations in a way that would trap the user (e.g., disabling the URL bar or back button).

  • Provide applications knowledge of cross-origin history entries or state.

  • Provide applications knowledge of other frames' entries or state.

  • Provide platform support for the coordination problem of multiple routers (e.g., per-UI-component routers) on a single page. We plan to leave this coordination to frameworks for now (with the frameworks using the new API).

  • Handle the case where the Android back button is being used as a "modal close signal"; instead, we believe that's best handled by a separate API.

  • Provide any handling for preventing navigations that might lose data: this is already handled orthogonally by the platform's beforeunload event.

  • Provide an elegant layering onto or integration with the existing window.history API. That API is quite problematic, and we can't be tied down by a need to make every operation in the new API isomorphic to one in the old API.

A goal that might not be possible, but we'd like to try:

  • It would be ideal if this API were polyfillable, especially in its mainline usage scenarios.

Finally, although it's really a goal for all web APIs, we want to call out a strong focus on interoperability, backstopped by web platform tests. The existing history API and its interactions with navigation have terrible interoperability (see this vivid example). We hope to have solid and well-tested specifications for:

  • Every aspect and self-interaction of the new API

  • Every aspect of how the new API integrates and interacts with the window.history API (including things like relative timing of events)

Additionally, we hope to drive interoperability through tests, spec updates, and browser bugfixes for the existing window.history API while we're in the area, to the extent that is possible; some of this work is being done in whatwg/html#5767.


The current entry

The entry point for the app history API is window.appHistory. Let's start with appHistory.current, which is an instance of the new AppHistoryEntry class. This class has the following readonly properties:

  • key: a user-agent-generated UUID identifying this history entry. In the past, applications have used the URL as such a key, but the URL is not guaranteed to be unique.

  • index: the index of this AppHistoryEntry within the app history list. (Or, -1 if the entry is no longer in the list, or not yet in the list.)

  • url: the URL of this history entry (as a string).

  • sameDocument: a boolean indicating whether this entry is for the current document, or whether navigating to it will require a full navigation (either from the network, or from the browser's back/forward cache). Note: for appHistory.current, this will always be true.

It also has a method getState(), which retrieve the app history state for the entry. This is somewhat similar to history.state, but it will survive fragment navigations, and getState() always returns a fresh clone of the state to avoid the misleading nature of history.state:

appHistory.update({ state: { test: 2 } });

// Don't do this: it won't be saved to the stored state.
appHistory.current.getState().test = 3;

console.assert(appHistory.current.getState().test === 2);

// Instead do this:
appHistory.update({ state: { ...appHistory.current.getState(), test: 3 });

Crucially, appHistory.current stays the same regardless of what iframe navigations happen. It only reflects the current entry for the current frame. The complete list of ways the current app history entry can change are:

  • A fragment navigation, which will copy over the app history state.

  • Via the same-document navigation API history.pushState(). (Not history.replaceState().)

  • A full-page navigation to a different document. This could be an existing document in the browser's back/forward cache, or a new document. In the latter case, this will generate a new entry on the new page's window.appHistory object, somewhat similar to appHistory.push(navigatedToURL, { state: null }). Note that if the navigation is cross-origin, then we'll end up in a separate app history list for that other origin.

  • When using the navigate event to convert a cross-document navigation into a same-document navigation.

Inspection of the app history list

In addition to the current entry, the entire list of app history entries can be inspected, using appHistory.entries, which returns a frozen array of AppHistoryEntry instances. (Recall that all app history entries are same-origin contiguous entries for the current frame, so this is not a security issue.)

This solves the problem of allowing applications to reliably store state in an AppHistoryEntry's state: because they can inspect the values stored in previous entries at any time, it can be used as real application state storage, without needing to keep a side table like one has to do when using history.state.

In combination with the following section, the entries API also allows applications to display a UI allowing navigation through the app history list.

Navigation through the app history list

The way for an application to navigate through the app history list is using appHistory.navigateTo(key). For example:

TODO: realistic example of when you'd use this.

Unlike the existing history API's history.go() method, which navigates by offset, navigating by key allows the application to not care about intermediate history entries; it just specifies its desired destination entry. There are also convenience methods, appHistory.back() and appHistory.forward(), and convenience booleans, appHistory.canGoBack and appHistory.canGoForward.

All of these methods return promises, because navigations can be intercepted and made asynchronous by the navigate event handlers that we're about to describe in the next section. There are then several possible outcomes:

  • The navigate event responds to the navigation using event.respondWith(), in which case the promise fulfills or rejects according to the promise passed to respondWith(). (However, even if the promise rejects, location.href and appHistory.current will change.)

  • The navigate event cancels the navigation without responding to it, in which case the promise rejects with an "AbortError" DOMException, and location.href and appHistory.current stay on their original value.

  • It's not possible to navigate to the given entry, e.g. appHistory.navigateTo(key) was given a non-existant key, or appHistory.back() was called when there's no previous entries in the app history list. In this case, the promise rejects with an "InvalidStateError" DOMException, and location.href and appHistory.current stay on their original value.

  • The navigation succeeds, and was a same-document navigation. Then the promise fulfills with undefined, and location.href and appHistory.current will have been set to their new value.

  • The navigation succeeds, and it was a different-document navigation. Then the promise will never settle, because the entire document and all its promises will disappear.

As discussed in more detail in the section on integration with the existing history API and spec, navigating through the app history list does navigate through the joint session history. This means it can impact other frames on the page. It's just that, unlike history.back() and friends, such other-frame navigations always happen as a side effect of navigating your own frame; they are never the sole result of an app history traversal.

Navigation monitoring and interception

The most interesting event on window.appHistory is the one which allows monitoring and interception of navigations: the navigate event. It fires on almost any navigation, either user-initiated or application-initiated, which would update the value of appHistory.current. This includes cross-origin navigations (which will take us out of the current app history list); see below for an example of how this is useful. We expect this to be the main event used by application- or framework-level routers.

The event object has several useful properties:

  • cancelable (inherited from Event): indicates whether preventDefault() is allowed to cancel this navigation.

  • canRespond: indicates whether respondWith(), discussed below, is allowed for this navigation.

  • userInitiated: a boolean indicating whether the navigation is user-initiated (i.e., a click on an <a>, or a form submission) or application-initiated (e.g. location.href = ..., appHistory.push(...), etc.). Note that this will not be true when you use mechanisms such as button.onclick = () => appHistory.push(...); the user interaction needs to be with a real link or form. See the table in the appendix for more details.

  • destination: an AppHistoryEntry containing the information about the destination of the navigation. Note that this entry might or might not yet be in window.appHistory.entries.

  • hashChange: a boolean, indicating whether or not this is a same-document fragment navigation.

  • formData: a FormData object containing form submission data, or null if the navigation is not a form submission.

  • info: any value passed by appHistory.push(url, { state, navigateInfo }) or appHistory.update(url, { state, navigateInfo }), if the navigation was initiated by one of those methods and the navigateInfo option was supplied; otherwise, null. See the example below for more.

  • signal: an AbortSignal which can be monitored for when the navigation gets aborted.

Note that you can check if the navigation will be same-document or cross-document via event.destination.sameDocument, and you can check whether the navigation is to an already-existing app history entry (i.e. is a back/forward navigation) via appHistory.entries.includes(event.destination).

The event object has a special method event.respondWith(promise). This works only under certain circumstances, e.g. it cannot be used on cross-origin navigations. (See below for full details.) It will:

  • Cancel any fragment navigation or cross-document navigation.
  • Immediately update the URL bar, location.href, and appHistory.current, but with appHistory.current.finished set to false.
  • Wait for the promise to settle. Once it does:
    • Update appHistory.current.finished to true and fire finish on appHistory.current.
    • If it rejects, fire navigateerror on appHistory.
    • If it fulfills, fire navigatesuccess on appHistory.
  • For the duration of the promise settling, any browser loading UI such as a spinner will behave as if it were doing a cross-document navigation.

Note that the browser does not wait for the promise to settle in order to update its URL/history-displaying UI (such as URL bar or back button), or to update location.href and appHistory.current.

TODO: is it OK for web developers that the URL bar updates immediately? See #66.

Example: replacing navigations with single-page app navigations

The following is the kind of code you might see in an application or framework's router:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  // Some navigations, e.g. cross-origin navigations, we cannot intercept. Let the browser handle those normally.
  if (!e.canRespond) {

  // Don't intercept fragment navigations.
  if (e.hashChange) {

  if (e.formData) {
    e.respondWith(processFormDataAndUpdateUI(e.formData, e.signal));
  } else {
    e.respondWith(doSinglePageAppNav(e.destination, e.signal));

Here, doSinglePageAppNav and processFormDataAndUpdateUI are functions that can return a promise. For example:

async function doSinglePageAppNav(destination, signal) {
  const htmlFromTheServer = await (await fetch(destination.url, { signal })).text();
  document.querySelector("main").innerHTML = htmlFromTheServer;

Note how this example responds to various types of navigations:

  • Cross-origin navigations: let the browser handle it as usual.
  • Same-document fragment navigations: let the browser handle it as usual.
  • Same-document URL or state updates (via history.pushState() or history.replaceState()):
    1. Send the information about the URL/state update to doSinglePageAppNav(), which will use it to modify the current document.
    2. After that UI update is done, potentially asynchronously, notify the app and the browser about the navigation's success or failure.
  • Cross-document normal navigations (including those via appHistory.push() or appHistory.update()):
    1. Prevent the browser handling, which would unload the document and create a new one from the network. Instead, immediately change the URL bar/location.href/appHistory.current, while staying on the same document.
    2. Send the information about the navigation to doSinglePageAppNav(), which will use it to modify the current document.
    3. After that UI update is done, potentially asynchronously, notify the app and the browser about the navigation's success or failure.
  • Cross-document form submissions:
    1. Prevent the browser handling, which would unload the document and create a new one from the network. Instead, immediately change the URL bar/location.href/appHistory.current, while staying on the same document.
    2. Send the form data to processFormDataAndUpdateUI(), which will use it to modify the current document.
    3. After that UI update is done, potentially asynchronously, notify the app and the browser about the navigation's success or failure.

Notice also how by passing through the AbortSignal found in e.signal, we ensure that any aborted navigations abort the associated fetch as well.

Example: async transitions with special back/forward handling

Sometimes it's desirable to handle back/forward navigations specially, e.g. reusing cached views by transitioning them onto the screen. This can be done by branching as follows:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  // As before.
  if (!e.canRespond || e.hashChange) {

  e.respondWith((async () => {
    if (myFramework.currentPage) {
      await myFramework.currentPage.transitionOut();

    const isBackForward = appHistory.entries.includes(e.destination);
    let { key } = e.destination;

    if (isBackForward && myFramework.previousPages.has(key)) {
      await myFramework.previousPages.get(key).transitionIn();
    } else {
      // This will probably result in myFramework storing the rendered page in myFramework.previousPages.
      await myFramework.renderPage(e.destination);

Restrictions on firing, canceling, and responding

There are many types of navigations a given page can experience; see this appendix for a full breakdown. Some of these need to be treated specially for the purposes of the navigate event.

First, the following navigations will not fire navigate at all:

  • User-initiated cross-document navigations via browser UI, such as the URL bar, back/forward button, or bookmarks.
  • Cross-document navigations initiated from other cross origin-domain windows, e.g. via, nameOfYourWindow), or clicking on <a href="..." target="nameOfYourWindow">
  •, which can strip off the fragment from the current document's URL.

Navigations of the first sort are outside the scope of the webpage, and can never be intercepted or prevented. This is true even if they are to same-origin documents, e.g. if the browser is currently displaying and the user edits the URL bar to read and presses enter. On the other hand, we do allow the page to intercept user-initiated same-document navigations via browser UI, e.g. if the the browser is currently displaying and the user edits the URL bar to read and presses enter.

Similarly, cross-document navigations initiated from other windows are not something that can be intercepted today, and for security reasons, we don't want to introduce the ability for your origin to mess with the operation of another origin's scripts. (Even if the purpose of those scripts is to navigate your frame.)

As for, it is a terrible legacy API with lots of strange side effects, which makes supporting it not worth the implementation cost. Modern sites which use the app history API should never be using

Second, the following navigations cannot be canceled using event.preventDefault(), and as such will have event.cancelable equal to false:

  • User-initiated same-document navigations via the browser's back/forward buttons.

This is important to avoid abusive pages trapping the user by disabling their back button. Note that adding a same-origin restriction would not help here: imagine a user which navigates to https://evil-in-disguise.example/, and then clicks a link to https://evil-in-disguise.example/2. If https://evil-in-disguise.example/2 were allowed to cancel same-origin browser back button navigations, they have effectively disabled the user's back button.

We're discussing this restriction in #32, as it does hurt some use cases, and we'd like to soften it in some way.

Finally, the following navigations cannot be replaced with same-document navigations by using event.respondWith(), and as such will have event.canRespond equal to false:

  • Any navigation to a URL which differs in scheme, username, password, host, or port. (I.e., you can only intercept URLs which differ in path, query, or fragment.)
  • Any programmatically-initiated cross-document back/forward navigations. (Recall that user-initiated cross-document navigations will not fire the navigate event at all.) Transitioning two adjacent history entries from cross-document to same-document has unpleasant ripple effects on web application and browser implementation architecture.

We'll note that these restrictions still allow canceling cross-origin non-back/forward navigations. Although this might be surprising, in general it doesn't grant additional power. That is, web developers can already intercept <a> click events, or modify their code that would set location.href, even if the destination URL is cross-origin.

Accessibility benefits of standardized single-page navigations

The navigate event's event.respondWith() method provides a helpful convenience for implementing single-page navigations, as discussed above. But beyond that, providing a direct signal to the browser as to the duration and outcome of a single-page navigation has benefits for accessibility technology users.

In particular, with cross-document navigations, AT users get clear feedback that a navigation has occurred. But traditionally, single-page navigations have not been communicated in the same way to accessibility technology. This is in part because it is not clear to the browser when a user interaction causes a single-page navigation, because of the app-specific JavaScript that intermediates between such interactions and the eventual call to history.pushState()/history.replaceState(). In particular, it's unclear exactly when the navigation begins and ends: trying to use the URL change as a signal doesn't work, since when applications call history.pushState() during the content loading process varies.

Implementing single-page navigations by using the navigate event and its respondWith() function solves this part of the problem. It gives the browser clear insight into when a navigation is being handled as a single-page navigation, and the provided promise allows the browser to know how long the navigation takes, and whether or not it succeeds. We expect browsers to use these to update their own UI (including any loading indicators; see whatwg/fetch#19 and whatwg/html#330 for previous feature requests). And we expect browsers to communicate these signals to accessibility technology, in the same way they do for traditional cross-document navigations.

This does not yet solve all accessibility problems with single-page navigations. In particular, this proposal doesn't currently have a solution for focus management and placing the user's keyboard focus in the relevant place after navigation. However, we are very interested in finding a way to make usage of the app history API guide web developers toward creating accessible experiences, and would like to explore additions or changes that would help with these aspects of the problem as well. Please join us to discuss and brainstorm in #25.

Measuring standardized single-page navigations

Continuing with the theme of respondWith() giving ecosystem benefits beyond just web developer convenience, telling the browser about the start time, duration, end time, and success/failure if a single-page app navigation has benefits for metrics gathering.

In particular, analytics frameworks would be able to consume this information from the browser in a way that works across all applications using the app history API. See the example in the Current entry change monitoring section for one way this could look; other possibilities include integrating into the existing performance APIs.

This standardized notion of single-page navigations also gives a hook for other useful metrics to build off of. For example, you could imagine variants of the "first-paint" and "first-contentful-paint" APIs which are collected after the navigate event is fired. Or, you could imagine vendor-specific or application-specific measurements like Cumulative Layout Shift or React hydration time being reset after such navigations begin.

This isn't a complete panacea: in particular, such metrics are gameable by bad actors. Such bad actors could try to drive down average measured "load time" by generating excessive navigate events that don't actually do anything. So in scenarios where the web application is less interested in measuring itself, and more interested in driving down specific metrics, those creating the metrics will need to take into account such misuse of the API. Some potential countermeasures against such gaming could include:

  • Only using the start time of the navigation in creating such metrics, and not using the promise-settling time. This avoids gaming via code such as event.respondWith(Promise.resolve()); await doActualNavigation() which makes the navigation appear instant to the browser.

  • Filtering to only count navigations where event.userInitiated is true.

  • Filtering to only count navigations where the URL changes (i.e., appHistory.current.url !== event.destination.url).

  • We hope that most analytics vendors will come to automatically track navigate events as page views, and measure their duration. Then, apps using such analytics vendors would have an incentive to keep their page view statistics meaningful, and thus be disincentivized to generate spurious navigations.

Example: handling failed navigations

To handle failed navigations, you can listen to the navigateerror event and perform application-specific interactions. This event will be an ErrorEvent so you can retrieve the promise's rejection reason. For example, to display an error, you could do something like:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigateerror", e => {
  document.body.textContent = `Could not load ${location.href}: ${e.message}`;
  analyticsPackage.send("navigateerror", { stack: e.error.stack });

To perform a rollback to where the user was previously, with a toast notification, you could do something like:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigateerror", e => {
  // Our `navigate` handler will convert this into a same-document navigation.

  showErrorToast(`Could not load ${location.href}: ${e.message}`);

Example: single-page app "redirects"

This example is likely to get updated per discussions in #5.

A common scenario in web applications with a client-side router is to perform a "redirect" to a login page if you try to access login-guarded information. The following is an example of how one could implement this using the navigate event:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  const url = new URL(e.destination.url);
  if (url.pathname === "/user-profile") {
    // Cancel the navigation:

    // Do another navigation to /login, which will fire a new `navigate` event:
    location.href = "/login";

TODO: should these be combined into a helper method like e.redirect("/login")?

In practice, this might be hidden behind a full router framework, e.g. the Angular framework has a notion of route guards. Then, the framework would be the one listening to the navigate event, looping through its list of registered route guards to figure out the appropriate reaction.

NOTE: if you combine this example with the previous one, it's important that this route guard event handler be installed before the general single-page navigation event handler. Additionally, you'd want to either insert a call to e.stopImmediatePropagation() in this example, or a check of e.defaultPrevented in that example, to stop the other navigate event handler from proceeding with the canceled navigation. In practice, we expect there to be one large application- or framework-level navigate event handler, which would take care of ensuring that route guards happen before the other parts of the router logic, and preventing that logic from executing.

Example: cross-origin affiliate links

This example is likely to get updated per discussions in #5. Also it currently causes infinite recursion.

A common query is how to append affiliate IDs onto links. Although this can be done server-side, sometimes it is convenient to do so client side, especially in the case of dynamic content. Today, this requires intercepting click events on <a> elements, or using a MutationObserver to watch for new link insertions. The navigate event provides a simpler way to do this:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  const url = new URL(e.destination.url);
  if (url.hostname === "") {
    url.queryParams.set("affiliateId", "ead21623-781e-442f-a2c4-6cc1b2a9fda2");

    location.href = url;

TODO: it feels like this should be less disruptive than a cancel-and-perform-new-navigation; it's just a tweak to the outgoing navigation. Using the same code as the previous example feels wrong. See discussion in #5.

Aborted navigations

As shown in the example above, the navigate event come with an event.signal property that is an AbortSignal. This signal will transition to the aborted state if any of the following occur before the promise passed to respondWith() settles:

  • The user presses their browser's stop button (or similar UI, such as the Esc key).
  • Another navigation is started, either by the user or programmatically. This includes back/forward navigations, e.g. the user pressing their browser's back button.

The signal will not transition to the aborted state if respondWith() is not called. This means it cannot be used to observe the interruption of a cross-document navigation, if that cross-document navigation was left alone and not converted into a same-document navigation by using respondWith(). Similarly, window.stop() will not impact respondWith()-derived same-document navigations.

Whether and how the application responds to this abort is up to the web developer. In many cases, such as in the example above, this will automatically work: by passing the event.signal through to any AbortSignal-consuming APIs like fetch(), those APIs will get aborted, and the resulting "AbortError" DOMException propagated to be the rejection reason for the promise passed to respondWith(). But it's possible to ignore it completely, as in the following example:

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", event => {
  event.respondWith((async () => {
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 10_000));
    document.body.innerHTML = `Navigated to ${event.destination.url}`;

In this case:

  • The user pressing the stop button will have no effect, and after ten seconds document.body will get updated anyway with the destination URL of the original navigation.
  • Navigation to another URL will not prevent the fact that in ten seconds document.body.innerHTML will be updated to show the original destination URL.

See the companion document for full details on exactly what happens in such scenarios.

New navigation APIs

In a single-page app using window.history, the typical flow is:

  1. Application code triggers a router's navigation infrastructure, giving it a destination URL and possibly additional state or info.
  2. The router updates the URL displayed to the user and visible with location.href, by using history.pushState() or history.replaceState().
  3. The router or its surrounding framework loads the data necessary to render the new URL, and does so.

(Sometimes steps (2) and (3) are switched.) Note in particular the extra care an application needs to take to ensure that all navigations go through the router. This means that they can't easily use traditional APIs like <a> or location.href.

In a single-page app using the app history API, instead the router listens to the navigate event. This automatically takes care of step (2), and provides a centralized place for the router and framework to perform step (3). And now the application code can use traditional navigation mechanisms, like <a> or location.href, without any extra code; the browser takes care of sending all of those to the navigate event!

There's one gap remaining, which is the ability to send additional state or info along with a navigation. We solve this by introducing new APIs, appHistory.push() and appHistory.update(), which can be thought of as augmented versions of location.assign() and location.replace(). The basic usage of appHistory.push() is as follows:

// Navigate to a new URL, resetting the state to null:
// (equivalent to `location.assign(url)`)
await appHistory.push(url);

// Use a new URL and state.
await appHistory.push(url, { state });

// You can also pass navigateInfo for the navigate event handler to receive:
await appHistory.push(url, { state, navigateInfo });

// Performs a navigation to the same URL as the current history entry,
// but with a nulled-out app history state.
await appHistory.push();

// Navigate to the same URL, but with a new state value:
await appHistory.push({ state });

Note how unlike history.pushState(), appHistory.push() will by default perform a full navigation, e.g. scrolling to a fragment or navigating across documents. Single-page apps will usually intercept these using the navigate event, and convert them into same-document navigations by using event.respondWith().

Regardless of whether the navigation gets converted or not, calling appHistory.push() will clear any future entries in the joint session history. (This includes entries coming from frame navigations, or cross-origin entries: so, it can have an impact beyond just the appHistory.entries list.)

The counterpart API to appHistory.push() is appHistory.update(). It is used as follows:

// Performs a navigation to the given URL, but updating the current history entry
// instead of pushing a new one.
// (equivalent to `location.replace(url)`)
await appHistory.update(url);

// Set the state, without changing the URL.
await appHistory.update({ state });

// Similarly to `push()`, you can pass along navigateInfo:
await appHistory.update(url, { state, navigateInfo });

Again, unlike history.replaceState(), appHistory.update() will by default perform a full navigation. And again, single-page apps will usually intercept these using navigate.

Note that both of these methods return promises. In the event that the navigations get converted into same-document navigations via event.respondWith(promise) in a navigate handler, these returned promises will settle in the same way that promise does. This gives your navigation call site an indication of the navigation's success or failure. (If they are non-intercepted fragment navigations, then the promises will fulfill immediately. And if they are non-intercepted cross-document navigations, then the returned promise, along with the entire JavaScript global environment, will disappear as the current document gets unloaded.)

Example: using navigateInfo

The navigateInfo option to appHistory.push() and appHistory.replace() gets passed to the navigate event handler as the property. The intended use of this value is to convey transient information about this particular navigation, such as how it happened. In this way, it's different from the persisted value retrievable using event.destination.getState().

One example of how this might be used is to trigger different single-page navigation renderings depending on how a certain route was reached. For example, consider a photo gallery app, where you can reach the same photo URL and state via various routes:

  • Clicking on it in a gallery view
  • Clicking "next" or "previous" when viewing another photo in the album
  • Etc.

Each of these wants a different animation at navigate time. This information doesn't make sense to store in the persistent URL or history entry state, but it's still important to communicate from the rest of the application, into the router (i.e. navigate event handler). This could be done using code such as

document.addEventListener("keydown", async e => {
  if (e.key === "ArrowLeft" && hasPreviousPhoto()) {
    await appHistory.push(getPreviousPhotoURL(), { navigateInfo: { via: "go-left" } });
  if (e.key === "ArrowRight" && hasNextPhoto()) {
    await appHistory.push(getNextPhotoURL(), { navigateInfo: { via: "go-right" } });

photoGallery.addEventListener("click", e => {
  if (".photo-thumbnail")) {
    await appHistory.push(getPhotoURL(, { navigateInfo: { via: "gallery", thumbnail: } });

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  if (isPhotoNavigation(e)) {
    e.respondWith((async () => {
      switch ( {
        case "go-left": {
          await animateLeft();
        case "go-right": {
          await animateRight();
        case "gallery": {
          await animateZoomFromThumbnail(;

      // TODO: actually load the photo.

Note that in addition to appHistory.push() and appHistory.replace(), the previously-discussed appHistory.back(), appHistory.forward(), and appHistory.navigateTo() methods can also take a navigateInfo option.

Example: next/previous buttons

Consider trying to code next/previous buttons that perform single-page navigations, for example in a photo gallery application. This has some interesting properties:

  • If the user presses next five times quickly, you want to be sure to skip them ahead five photos, and not to waste work on the intermediate four.
  • If the user presses next five times and then previous twice, you want to load the third photo, not wasting work on any others.
  • If the user presses previous/next and the previous/next item in their app history is the previous/next photo, then you want to just navigate them through the app history list, like their browser back and forward buttons.
  • You'll want to make sure any "permalink" or "share" UI is updated ASAP after such button presses, even if the photo is still loading.

All of this basically "just works" with the navigate event and other app history APIs. A large part of this is because navigate-event created single-page navigations synchronously update the current URL, and abort any ongoing navigations. The code to handle it would look like the following:

const appState = {
  currentPhoto: 0,
  totalPhotos: 10
const next = document.querySelector("button#next");
const previous = document.querySelector("button#previous");
const permalink = document.querySelector("span#permalink");

next.onclick = () => {
  const nextPhotoInHistory = photoNumberFromURL(appHistory.entries[appHistory.current.index + 1]?.url);
  if (nextPhotoInHistory === appState.currentPhoto + 1) {
  } else {
    appHistory.push(`/photos/${appState.currentPhoto + 1}`);

previous.onclick = () => {
  const prevPhotoInHistory = photoNumberFromURL(appHistory.entries[appHistory.current.index - 1]?.url);
  if (nextPhotoInHistory === appState.currentPhoto - 1) {
  } else {
    appHistory.push(`/photos/${appState.currentPhoto - 1}`);

appHistory.addEventListener("navigate", event => {
  const photoNumber = photoNumberFromURL(e.destination.url);

  if (photoNumber && e.canRespond) {
    e.respondWith((async () => {
      // Synchronously update app state and next/previous/permalink UI:
      appState.currentPhoto = photoNumber;
      previous.disabled = appState.currentPhoto === 0;
      next.disabled = appState.currentPhoto === appState.totalPhotos - 1;
      permalink.textContent = e.destination.url;

      // Asynchronously update the photo, passing along the signal so that
      // it all gets aborted if another navigation interrupts us:
      const blob = await (await fetch(`/raw-photos/${photoNumber}.jpg`, { signal: e.signal })).blob();
      const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
      document.querySelector("#current-photo").src = url;

function photoNumberFromURL(url) {
  if (!url) {
    return null;

  const result = /\/photos/(\d+)/.exec((new URL(url)).pathname);
  if (result) {
    return Number(result[1]);

  return null;

Let's look at our scenarios again:

  • If the user presses next five times quickly, you want to be sure to skip them ahead five photos, and not to waste work on the intermediate four: this works as intended, as the first four fetches (for photos 1, 2, 3, 4) get aborted via their e.signal, while the last one (for photo 5) completes.
  • If the user presses next five times and then previous twice, you want to load the third photo, not wasting work on any others: this works as intended, as the first six fetches (for photos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4 again) get aborted via their e.signal, while the last one (for photo 3 again) completes.
  • If the user presses previous/next and the previous/next item in their app history is the previous/next photo, then you want to just navigate them through the app history list, like their browser back and forward buttons: this works as intended, due to the if statements inside the click handlers for the next and previous buttons.
  • You'll want to make sure any "permalink" or "share" UI is updated ASAP after such button presses, even if the photo is still loading: this works as intended, since we can do this work synchronously before loading the photo.

Per-entry events

Each AppHistoryEntry has a series of events which the application can react to. We expect these to mostly be used by decentralized parts of the application's codebase, such as components, to synchronize their state with the history list. Unlike the navigate event, these events are not cancelable. They are used only for reacting to changes, not intercepting or preventing navigations.

The application can use the navigateto and navigatefrom events to update the UI in response to a given entry becoming the current app history entry. For example, consider a photo gallery application. One way of implementing this would be to store metadata about the photo in the corresponding AppHistoryEntry's state. This might look something like this:

async function showPhoto(photoId) {
  // In our app, the `navigate` handler will take care of actually showing the photo and updating the content area.
  await appHistory.push(`/photos/${photoId}`, { state: {
    dateTaken: null,
    caption: null
  } });

  // When we navigate away from this photo, save any changes the user made.
  appHistory.current.addEventListener("navigatefrom", e => {
    appHistory.update({ state: {
      dateTaken: document.querySelector("#photo-container > .date-taken").value,
      caption: document.querySelector("#photo-container > .caption").value
    } });

  // If we ever navigate back to this photo, e.g. using the browser back button or
  // appHistory.navigateTo(), restore the input values.
  appHistory.current.addEventListener("navigateto", e => {
    const { dateTaken, caption } = appHistory.current.getState();
    document.querySelector("#photo-container > .date-taken").value = dateTaken;
    document.querySelector("#photo-container > .caption").value = caption;

Note how in the event handler for these events, appHistory.current will be set as expected (and equal to, so that the event handler can use its properties and methods (like key, url, or getState()) as needed.

Finally, there's a dispose event, which occurs when an app history entry is permanently evicted and unreachable: for example, in the following scenario.

const startingKey = appHistory.current.key;

await appHistory.push();
appHistory.current.addEventListener("dispose", () => console.log(1));

await appHistory.push();
appHistory.current.addEventListener("dispose", () => console.log(2));

await appHistory.push();
appHistory.current.addEventListener("dispose", () => console.log(3));

await appHistory.navigateTo(startingKey);
await appHistory.push();

// Logs 1, 2, 3 as that branch of the tree gets pruned.

This can be useful for cleaning up any information in secondary stores, such as sessionStorage or caches, when we're guaranteed to never reach those particular history entries again.

Current entry change monitoring

Although the basic idea of an event for when appHistory.current changes will probably survive, much of this section needs revamping. See the several discussions linked below.

The window.appHistory object has an event, currentchange, which allows the application to react to any updates to the appHistory.current property. This includes both navigations that change its value, and calls to appHistory.update() that change its state or URL. This cannot be intercepted or canceled, as it occurs after the navigation has already happened; it's just an after-the-fact notification.

This event has one special property, event.startTime, which for same-document navigations gives the value of when the navigation was initiated. This includes for navigations that were originally cross-document, like the user clicking on <a href="">, but were transformed into same-document navigations by navigation interception. For completely cross-document navigations, startTime will be null.

"Initiated" means either when the corresponding API was called (like location.href or appHistory.push()), or when the user activated the corresponding <a> element, or submitted the corresponding <form>. This allows it to be used for determining the overall time from navigation initiation to navigation completion, including the time it took for a promise passed to e.respondWith() to settle:

appHistory.addEventListener("currentchange", e => {
  if (e.startTime) {
    const loadTime = e.timeStamp - e.startTime;

    document.querySelector("#status-bar").textContent = `Loaded in ${loadTime} ms!`;
    analyticsPackage.sendEvent("single-page-app-nav", { loadTime });
  } else {
    document.querySelector("#status-bar").textContent = `Welcome to this document!`;

TODO: reconsider cross-document navigations. There will only be one (the initial load of the page); should we even fire this event in that case? (That's #31.) Could we give startTime a useful value there, if we do?

TODO: this property-on-the-event design is not good and does not work, per #59. We should probably integrate with the performance timeline APIs instead? Discuss in #33.

TODO: Add a non-analytics examples, similar to how people use popstate today. #14

Complete event sequence

Between the per-AppHistoryEntry events and the window.appHistory events, as well as promise return values, there's a lot of events floating around. Here's how they all come together:

  1. navigate fires on window.appHistory.
  2. If the event is canceled using event.preventDefault(), then:
    1. If the process was initiated by a call to an appHistory API that returns a promise, then that promise gets rejected with an "AbortError" DOMException.
  3. Otherwise:
    1. appHistory.current fires navigatefrom.
    2. location.href updates.
    3. appHistory.current updates. appHistory.current.finished is false.
    4. currentchange fires on window.appHistory.
    5. appHistory.current fires navigateto.
    6. Any now-unreachable AppHistoryEntry instances fire dispose.
    7. The URL bar updates.
    8. Any loading spinner UI starts, if a promise was passed to the navigate handler's event.respondWith().
    9. After the promise passed to event.respondWith() fulfills, or after one microtask if event.respondWith() was not called:
      1. appHistory.current.finished changes to true.
      2. appHistory.current fires finish.
      3. navigatesuccess is fired on appHistory.
      4. Any loading spinner UI stops.
      5. If the process was initiated by a call to an appHistory API that returns a promise, then that promise gets fulfilled.
    10. Alternately, if the promise passed to event.respondWith() rejects:
      1. appHistory.current.finished changes to true.
      2. appHistory.current fires finish.
      3. navigateerror fires on window.appHistory with the rejection reason as its error property.
      4. Any loading spinner UI stops.
      5. If the process was initiated by a call to an appHistory API that returns a promise, then that promise gets rejected with the same rejection reason.
    11. Alternately, if the navigation gets aborted before either of those two things occur:
      1. appHistory.current.finished stays false, and appHistory.current never fires the finish event.
      2. navigateerror fires on window.appHistory with an "AbortError" DOMException as its error property.
      3. Any loading spinner UI stops. (But potentially restarts, or maybe doesn't stop at all, if the navigation was aborted due to a second navigation starting.)
      4. If the process was initiated by a call to an appHistory API that returns a promise, then that promise gets rejected with the same with an "AbortError" DOMException.

For more detailed analysis, including specific code examples, see this dedicated document.

Guide for migrating from the existing history API

For web developers using the API, here's a guide to explain how you would replace usage of window.history with window.appHistory.

Performing navigations

Instead of using history.pushState(state, uselessTitle, url), use await appHistory.push(url, { state }).

Instead of using history.replaceState(state, uselessTitle, url), use await appHistory.update(url, { state }). Note that if you omit the state value, i.e. if you say appHistory.update(url), then unlike history.replaceState(), this will copy over the current entry's state.

Instead of using history.back() and history.forward(), use await appHistory.back() and await appHistory.forward(). Note that unlike the history APIs, the appHistory APIs will ignore other frames, and will only control the navigation of your frame. This means it might move through multiple entries in the joint session history, skipping over any entries that were generated purely by other-frame navigations.

Also note that if the navigation doesn't have an effect, the appHistory traversal methods will return a rejected promise, unlike the history traversal methods which silently do nothing. You can detect this as follows:

try {
  await appHistory.back();
} catch (e) {
  if ( === "InvalidStateError") {
    console.log("We weren't able to go back, because there was nothing previous in the app history list");

or you can avoid it using the canGoBack property:

if (appHistory.canGoBack) {
  await appHistory.back();

Note that unlike the history APIs, these appHistory APIs will not go to another origin. For example, trying to call appHistory.back() when the previous document in the joint session history is cross-origin will return a rejected promise, and trigger the console.log() call above.

Instead of using history.go(offset), use await appHistory.navigateTo(key) to navigate to a specific entry. As with back() and forward(), appHistory.navigateTo() will ignore other frames, and will only control the navigation of your frame. If you specifically want to reproduce the pattern of navigating by an offset (not recommended), you can use code such as the following:

const offsetIndex = appHistory.entries.indexOf(appHistory.current) + offset;
const entry = appHistory.entries[offsetIndex];
if (entry) {
  await appHistory.navigateTo(entry.key);

Using navigate handlers

Many cases which use history.pushState() today can just be deleted when using appHistory. This is because if you have a listener for the navigate event on appHistory, that listener can use event.respondWith() to transform navigations that would normally be new-document navigations into same-document navigations. So for example, instead of

<a href="/about">About us</a>
<button onclick="doStuff()">Do stuff</a>

window.doStuff = async () => {
  await doTheStuff();
  document.querySelector("main").innerHTML = await loadContentFor("/success-page");
  history.pushState(undefined, undefined, "/success-page");

document.addEventListener("click", async e => {
  if ( === "a" && shouldBeSinglePageNav( {
    document.querySelector("main").innerHTML = await loadContentFor(;
    history.pushState(undefined, undefined,;

you could instead use a navigate handler like so:

<a href="/about">About us</a>
<button onclick="doStuff()">Do stuff</a>

window.doStuff = async () => {
  await doTheStuff();
  location.href = "/success-page"; // or appHistory.push("/success-page")

document.addEventListener("navigate", e => {
  if (shouldBeSinglePageNav(e.destination.url)) {
    e.respondWith((async () => {
      document.querySelector("main").innerHTML = await loadContentFor(e.destination.url);

Note how in this case we don't need to use appHistory.push(), even though the original code used history.pushState().

Attaching and using history state

To update the current entry's state, instead of using history.replaceState(newState), use appHistory.update({ state: newState }).

To create a new entry with the same URL but a new state value, instead of using history.pushState(newState), use appHistory.push({ state: newState }).

To read the current entry's state, instead of using history.state, use appHistory.current.getState(). Note that this will give a clone of the state, so you cannot set properties on it: to update state, use appHistory.update().

In general, state in app history is expected to be more useful than state in the window.history API, because:

  • It can be introspected or modified even for the non-current entry, e.g. using appHistory.entries[i].getState().
  • It is not erased by navigations that are not under the developer's control, such as fragment navigations (for which the state is copied over) and iframe navigations (which don't affect the app history list).

This means that the patterns that are often necessary to reliably store application and UI state with window.history, such as maintaining a side-table or using sessionStorage, should not be necessary with window.appHistory.

Introspecting the history list

To see how many history entries are in the app history list, use appHistory.entries.length, instead of history.length. However, note that the semantics are different: app history entries only include same-origin contiguous entries for the current frame, and so that this doesn't reflect the history before the user arrived at the current origin, or the history of iframes. We believe this will be more useful for the patterns that people want in practice, such as showing an in-application back button if appHistory.entries.length > 0.

The app history API allows introspecting all entries in the app history list, using appHistory.entries. This should replace some of the workarounds people use today with the window.history API for getting a sense of the history list, e.g. as described in whatwg/html#2710.

Finally, note that history.length is highly non-interoperable today, in part due to the complexity of the joint session history model, and in part due to historical baggage. appHistory's less complex model, and the fact that it will be developed in the modern era when there's a high focus on ensuring interoperability through web platform tests, means that using it should allow developers to avoid cross-browser issues with history.length.

Watching for navigations

Today there are two events related to navigations, hashchange and popstate, both on Window. These events are quite problematic and hard to use; see, for example, whatwg/html#5562 or other open issues for some discussion. MDN's fourteen-step guide to "When popstate is sent", which doesn't even match any browsers, is also indicative of the problem.

The app history API provides several replacements that subsume these events:

  • To react to and potentially intercept navigations before they complete, use the navigate event on appHistory. See the Navigation monitoring and interception section for more details, including how the event object provides useful information that can be used to distinguish different types of navigations.

  • To react to navigations that have completed, use the currentchange event on appHistory. See the Current entry change monitoring section for more details, including an example of how to use it to determine how long a same-document navigation took.

  • To watch a particular entry to see when it's navigated to, navigated from, or becomes unreachable, use that AppHistoryEntry's navigateto, navigatefrom, and dispose events. See the Per-entry events section for more details.

Integration with the existing history API and spec

At a high level, app history is meant to be a layer on top of the HTML Standard's existing concepts. It does not require a novel model for session history, either in implementations or specifications. (Although, it will only be possible to specify it rigorously once the existing specification gets cleaned up, per the work we're doing in whatwg/html#5767.)

This is done through:

  • Ensuring that app history entries map directly to the specification's existing history entries. The appHistory.entries API only presents a subset of them, namely same-frame contiguous, same-origin ones, but each is backed by an existing entry.

  • Ensuring that traversal through app history always maps to a traversal through the joint session history, i.e. a traversal which is already possible today.

Correspondence with session history entries

An AppHistoryEntry corresponds directly to a session history entry from the existing HTML specification. However, not every session history entry would have a corresponding AppHistoryEntry in a given Window: AppHistoryEntry objects only exist for session history entries which are same-origin to the current one, and contiguous within that frame.

Example: if a browsing session contains session history entries with the URLs


then, if the current entry is 4, there would only be one AppHistoryEntry in appHistory.entries, corresponding to 4 itself. If the current entry is 2, then there would be two AppHistoryEntries in appHistory.entries, corresponding to 1 and 2.

To make this correspondence work, every spec-level session history entry would gain two new fields:

  • key, containing a browser-generated UUID. This is what backs appHistoryEntry.key.
  • app history state, containing a JavaScript value. This is what backs appHistoryEntry.getState().

Note that the "app history state" field has no interaction with the existing "serialized state" field, which is what backs history.state. This route was chosen for a few reasons:

  • The desired semantics of app history state is that it be carried over on fragment navigations, whereas history.state is not carried over. (This is a hard blocker.)
  • A clean separation can help when a page contains code that uses both window.history and window.appHistory. That is, it's convenient that existing code using window.history does not inadvertently mess with new code that does state management using window.appHistory.
  • Today, the serialized state of a session history entry is only exposed when that entry is the current one. The app history API exposes appHistoryEntry.getState() for all entries in appHistory.entries. This is not a security issue since all app history entries are same-origin contiguous, but if we exposed the serialized state value even for non-current entries, it might break some assumptions of existing code.
  • Switching to a separate field, accessible only via the getState() method, avoids the mutability problems discussed in #36. If the object was shared with history.state, those problems would be carried over.

Apart from these new fields, the session history entries which correspond to AppHistoryEntry objects will continue to manage other fields like document, scroll restoration mode, scroll position data, and persisted user state behind the scenes, in the usual way. The serialized state, title, and browsing context name fields would continue to work if they were set or accessed via the usual APIs, but they don't have any manifestation inside the app history APIs, and will be left as null by applications that avoid window.history and

TODO: actually, we should probably expose scroll restoration mode, like history.scrollRestoration? That API has legitimate use cases, and we'd like to allow people to never touch window.history... Discuss in #67.

Correspondence with the joint session history

The view of history which the user sees, and which is traversable with existing APIs like history.go(), is the joint session history.

Unlike the view of history presented by window.history, window.appHistory only gives a view onto session history entries for the current browsing session. This view does not present the joint session history, i.e. it is not impacted by frames. Notably, this means appHistory.entries.length is likely to be quite different from history.length.

Example: consider the following setup.

  1. loads.
  2. The user navigates to by clicking a link. This page contains an iframe with
  3. Code on calls appHistory.push("/outer-pushed").
  4. The iframe navigates to

The joint session session history contains four entries:


The app history list (which also matches the existing spec's session history) for the outer frame looks like:

O1.        (associated to A)
O2.        (associated to B)
O3. (associated to C and D)

The app history list for the inner frame looks like:

I1.  (associated to B and C)
I2.    (associated to D)

Traversal operates on the joint session history, which means that it's possible to impact other frames. Continuing with our previous setup, and assuming the current entry in the joint session history is D, then:

  • If code in the outer frame calls appHistory.back(), this will take us back to O2, and thus take the joint session history back to B. This means the inner frame will be navigated from /inner-end to /inner-start, changing its current app history entry from I2 to I1.

  • If code in the inner frame calls appHistory.back(), this will take us back to I1, and take the joint session history back to C. (This does not impact the outer frame.) The rule here for choosing C, instead of B, is that it moves the joint session history the fewest number of steps necessary to make I1 active.

  • If code in either the inner frame or the outer frame calls history.back(), this will take the joint session history back to C, and thus update the inner frame's current app history entry from I2 to I1. (There is no impact on the outer frame.)

Note that as currently planned, any such programmatic navigations, including ones originating from other frames, are interceptable and cancelable as part of the navigate event part of the proposal. However, this will probably be revised; see #78.

Integration with navigation

To understand when navigation interception interacts with the existing navigation spec, see the navigation types appendix. In cases where interception is allowed and takes place, it is essentially equivalent to preventing the normal navigation and instead synchronously performing the URL and history update steps. See more detail in the dedicated document.

The way in which navigation interacts with session history entries generally is not meant to change; the correspondence of a session history entry to an AppHistoryEntry does not introduce anything novel there.

Impact on the back button and user agent UI

The app history API doesn't change anything about how user agents implement their UI: it's really about developer-facing affordances. Users still care about the joint session history, and so that will continue to be presented in UI surfaces like holding down the back button. Similarly, pressing the back button will continue to navigate through the joint session history, potentially across origins and out of the current app history (into a new app history, on the new origin). The design discussed in the previous section ensures that app history cannot get the browser into a strange novel state that has not previously been seen in the joint session history.

One consequence of this is that when iframes are involved, the back button may navigate through the joint session history, without changing the current app history entry. This is because, for the most part, the behavior of the back button is the same as that of history.back(), which as the previous section showed, only impacts one frame (and thus one app history list) at a time.

Finally, note that user agents can continue to refine their mapping of UI to joint session history to give a better experience. For example, in some cases user agents today have the back button skip joint session history entries which were created without user interaction. We expect this heuristic would continue to be applied for appHistory.push(), just like it is for today's history.pushState().

Security and privacy considerations

Privacy-wise, this feature is neutral, due to its strict same-origin contiguous entry scoping. That is, it only exposes information which the application already has access to, just in a more convenient form. The storage of app history state in the AppHistoryEntrys is a convenience with no new privacy concerns, since that state is only accessible same-origin; that is, it provides the same power as something like sessionStorage or history.state.

One particular point of interest is the user-agent generated appHistoryEntry.key field, which is a user-agent-generated UUID. Here again the strict same-origin contiguous entry scoping prevents this from being used for cross-site tracking or similar. Specifically:

  • This key lives only for the duration of that app history entry, i.e. for the lifetime of the browsing session. For example, opening a new tab (or iframe) to the same URL will generate a different key value. So it is not a stable user-specific identifier.

  • This information is not accessible across sites, as a given app history entry is specific to a frame and origin. That is, cross-site pages will always have different key values for all AppHistoryEntrys they can examine; there is no way to use app history entry keys to correlate users.

(Collaborating cross-origin same-site pages can inspect each other's AppHistoryEntrys using document.domain, but they can also inspect every other aspect of each others' global objects.)

Security-wise, this feature has been carefully designed to give no new abilities that might be disruptive to the user or to delicate parts of browser code. See, for example, the restrictions on navigation monitoring and interception to ensure that it does not allow trapping the user, or the discussion of how this proposal does not impact how browser UI presents session history.

In particular, note that navigation interception can only update the URL bar to perform single-page app navigations to the same extent as history.pushState() does: the destination URL must only differ from the page's current URL in path, query, or fragment components. Thus, the navigate event does not allow URL spoofing by updating the URL bar to a cross-origin destination while providing your own origin's content.

See also the W3C TAG security and privacy questionnaire answers.

Stakeholder feedback

  • W3C TAG: w3ctag/design-reviews#605
  • Browser engines:
    • Chromium: Excited about the design space; has not yet investigated implementation implications in depth.
    • Gecko: No feedback so far
    • WebKit: No feedback so far
  • Web developers: Generally positive; see e.g. reactions and replies to WICG/proposals#20, or the participation on this repository's issue tracker.


This proposal is based on an earlier revision by @tbondwilkinson, which outlined all the same capabilities in a different form. It also incorporates the ideas from [email protected]'s navigation event proposal.

Thanks also to @chrishtr, @csreis, @dvoytenko, @esprehn, @frehner, @housseindjirdeh, @jakearchibald, @matt-buland-sfdc, @MelSumner, @mmocny, @natechapin, @pshrmn, @SetTrend, @slightlyoff, @torgo, and @Yay295 for their help in exploring this space and providing feedback.

Appendix: types of navigations

The web platform has many ways of initiating a navigation. For the purposes of the app history API, the following is intended to be a comprehensive list:

  • Users can trigger navigations via browser UI, including (but not necessarily limited to):
    • The URL bar
    • The back and forward buttons
    • The reload button
    • Bookmarks
  • <a> and <area> elements (both directly by users, and programmatically via etc.)
  • <form> elements (both directly by users, and programmatically via element.submit() etc.)
  • As a special case of the above, the target="nameOfSomeWindow" attribute on <a>, <area>, and <form> will navigate a window whose is nameOfSomeWindow
  • <meta http-equiv="refresh">
  • The Refresh HTTP response header
  • The window.location setter, the various location.* setters, and the location.replace(), location.assign(), and location.reload() methods. Note that these can be called from other frames, including cross-origin ones.
  • Calling, nameOfSomeWindow) will navigate a window whose is nameOfSomeWindow
  • history.back(), history.forward(), and history.go()
  • history.pushState() and history.replaceState()
  • appHistory.back(), appHistory.forward(), appHistory.navigateTo()
  • appHistory.push() and appHistory.update()

Cross-document navigations are navigations where, after the navigation completes, you end up in a different Document object than the one you are curently on. Notably, these unload the old document, and stop running any JavaScript code from there.

Same-document navigations are ones where, after the navigation completes, you stay on the same Document, with the same JavaScript environment.

Most navigations are cross-document navigations. Same-document navigations can happen due to:

  • Any of the above navigation mechanisms only updating the URL's fragment, e.g. location.hash = "foo" or clicking on <a > or calling history.back() after either of those two actions
  • history.pushState() and history.replaceState()
  • Intercepting a cross-document navigation using the appHistory object's navigate event, and calling event.respondWith()

Here's a summary table:

Trigger Cross- vs. same-document Fires navigate? e.userInitiated e.cancelable e.canRespond
Browser UI (back/forward,
Same Yes Yes No Yes
Browser UI (back/forward,
Cross No
Browser UI (non-back/forward
fragment change only)
Same Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browser UI (non-back/forward
Cross No
<a>/<area>/<form> (target="_self" or no target="") Either Yes Yes ‡ Yes Yes *
(non-_self target="")
Either Yes Δ Yes ‡ Yes Yes *
<meta http-equiv="refresh"> Either ◊ Yes No Yes Yes *
Refresh header Either ◊ Yes No Yes Yes *
window.location Either Yes Δ No Yes Yes *
history.{back,forward,go}() Either Yes No Yes Yes †*
history.{pushState,replaceState}() Same Yes No Yes Yes
appHistory.{back,forward,navigateTo}() Either Yes No Yes Yes †*
appHistory.{push,update}() Either Yes No Yes Yes *, "_self") Either Yes No Yes Yes *, name) Either Yes Δ No Yes Yes * Same No
  • † = No if cross-document
  • ‡ = No if triggered via, e.g.,
  • * = No if the URL differs from the page's current one in components besides path/fragment/query
  • Δ = No if cross-document and initiated from a cross origin-domain window, e.g. frames['cross-origin-frame'].location.href = ... or <a target="cross-origin-frame">
  • ◊ = fragment navigations initiated by <meta http-equiv="refresh"> or the Refresh header are only same-document in some browsers: whatwg/html#6451

See the discussion on restrictions to understand the reasons why the last few columns are filled out in the way they are.

Note that today it is not possible to intercept or cancel cases where history.back() in a subframe or outer frame causes your frame to navigate, but this proposal currently allows that. We may further restrict that per discussions in #78.

Spec details: the above comprehensive list does not fully match when the HTML Standard's navigate algorithm is called. In particular, HTML does not handle non-fragment-related same-document navigations through the navigate algorithm; instead it uses the URL and history update steps for those. Also, HTML calls the navigate algorithm for the initial loads of new browsing contexts as they transition from the initial about:blank; our current thinking is that appHistory should just not work on the initial about:blank so we can avoid that edge case.

Appendix: full API surface, in Web IDL format

partial interface Window {
  readonly attribute AppHistory appHistory;

interface AppHistory : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute AppHistoryEntry current;
  readonly attribute FrozenArray<AppHistoryEntry> entries;
  readonly attribute boolean canGoBack;
  readonly attribute boolean canGoForward;

  Promise<undefined> update(USVString url, optional AppHistoryPushOrUpdateOptions options = {});
  Promise<undefined> update(optional AppHistoryPushOrUpdateFullOptions options = {}); // one member required: see issue #52

  Promise<undefined> push(USVString url, optional AppHistoryPushOrUpdateOptions options = {});
  Promise<undefined> push(optional AppHistoryPushOrUpdateFullOptions options = {});

  Promise<undefined> navigateTo(DOMString key, optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions = {});
  Promise<undefined> back(optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions = {});
  Promise<undefined> forward(optional AppHistoryNavigationOptions = {});

  attribute EventHandler onnavigate;
  attribute EventHandler onnavigatesuccess;
  attribute EventHandler onnavigateerror;
  attribute EventHandler oncurrentchange;

interface AppHistoryEntry : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute DOMString key;
  readonly attribute USVString url;
  readonly attribute long long index;
  readonly attribute boolean finished;
  readonly attribute boolean sameDocument;

  any getState();

  attribute EventHandler onnavigateto;
  attribute EventHandler onnavigatefrom;
  attribute EventHandler onfinish;
  attribute EventHandler ondispose;

dictionary AppHistoryNavigationOptions {
  any navigateInfo;

dictionary AppHistoryPushOrUpdateOptions : AppHistoryNavigationOptions {
  any state;

dictionary AppHistoryPushOrUpdateFullOptions : AppHistoryPushOrUpdateOptions {
  USVString url;

interface AppHistoryNavigateEvent : Event {
  constructor(DOMString type, optional AppHistoryNavigateEventInit eventInit = {});

  readonly attribute boolean canRespond;
  readonly attribute boolean userInitiated;
  readonly attribute boolean hashChange;
  readonly attribute AppHistoryEntry destination;
  readonly attribute AbortSignal signal;
  readonly attribute FormData? formData;
  readonly attribute any info;

  undefined respondWith(Promise<undefined> newNavigationAction);

dictionary AppHistoryNavigateEventInit : EventInit {
  boolean canRespond = false;
  boolean userInitiated = false;
  boolean hashChange = false;
  required AppHistoryEntry destination;
  required AbortSignal signal;
  FormData? formData = null;
  any info = null;

interface AppHistoryCurrentChangeEvent : Event {
  constructor(DOMString type, optional AppHistorycurrentChangeEventInit eventInit = {});

  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp? startTime;

dictionary AppHistoryCurrentChangeEventInit : EventInit {
  DOMHighResTimeStamp? startTime = null;
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