All Projects → vti → App Tlsme

vti / App Tlsme

TLS tunnel like stunnel

Programming Languages

6916 projects

NAME tlsme - TLS/SSL proxy

SYNOPSIS tlsme [options]


    --help            brief help message

    --listen          listen on (default
    --backend         backend address or path to unix socket (default

    --backlog         backlog size (default 128)

    --cert_file       path to certificate file (may contain a private key too)
    --key_file        path to private key file
    --cert_password   certificate password (promts unless value provided)

    --method          protocol parser to use ("SSLv2" | "SSLv3" | "TLSv1" | "any")
    --cipher_list     list of ciphers to use ("AES:ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:+RC4:@STRENGTH")

    --protocol        underlying protocol ("raw" | "http")

    --user            drop privileges to user (ID or name)
    --group           drop privileges to group (ID)

    --log_file        path to log file
    --debug           debug mode

    --daemonize       daemonize (--log_file is required)
    --pid_file        PID file

When option "cert_file" is omitted default testing certificate is used.

DESCRIPTION TLS/SSL proxy in front of the application creates a transparent encryption tunnel.

HEADERS When using "http" protocol HTTP headers "X-Forwarded-For" and "X-Forwarded-Proto" are added to the requests with corresponding values.

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