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Scout24 / aws-cf-verified-ssl-certificate

Licence: Apache-2.0 License
Cloudformation template to get a verified SSL certificate

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AWS allows validation of Certificate Manager certificates by creating DNS records. When the domains are managed by Route53, CloudFormation will take care of the maintenance of the DNS records. This approach is faster and less error-prone than the e-mail-based approach we offer here.

For this reason we will no longer maintain this repository. It will archived and thus be read-only.

Get verified SSL certificate via CloudFormation

Right now, it's hard to automcatically retrieve a verified SSL/TLS certificate from AWS Certificate Manager via CloudFormation, because you need to have at least a admin email address on one of your super domains. The solution provided here automates this process by managing the CloudFormation-unfriendly SES related stuff.

Overview of moving parts

  • SES for Identity Management:
    • A lambda function (calling creates the subdomain (parameter domain) in an existing super-domain (parameter `hostedZoneName)
    • lambda function is returning the verification token for TXT record
  • SNS Topic for receiving approval emails
    • lambda function (ses_wait_for_verification_and_create_rule_set) is used to create a SES rule set to forward the certificate approval email to SNS
    • lambda function (process_cert_manager_mail) is triggered by SNS events and verifies the certification request by parsing the email to get the approval link and finally "clicking on it" via http post request

Use the template as a nested stack

See AWS::CloudFormation::Stack documentation.

To retrieve a SSL certificate for you have to have a Route53 Hosted Zone for a super domain (e.g. which is needed to create DNS records for your domain.

Then you can use the following YAML snippet to retrieve the verified SSL certificate:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack"
        hostedZoneName:    # your hosted domain
      TemplateURL: ""

Output parameters are:

Parameter Name Description
Arn ARN of the verified SSL certificate
sslCertificateArn ARN of the verified SSL certificate

To reference the SSL certificate you can use the following snippet:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      LoadBalancerArn: !Ref LoadBalancer
      Port: 443
      Protocol: HTTPS
        - Type: forward
          TargetGroupArn: !Ref TargetGroup
        - CertificateArn: !GetAtt SSLCertificate.Outputs.Arn

Deploying the certificate stack

Deploy the example stack like this

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name my-ssl-stack \
  --template-body file://$(pwd)/ssl-certificate.template.yaml \
  --parameters \
      ParameterKey=domain, \
      ParameterKey=hostedZoneName, \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Download URLs

We provide the templates ready for you:

Latest version:

  • Template: s3://is24-infrastructure-public/cloudformation/verified-ssl-certificate/ssl-certificate.template.yaml
  • Lambda Code: s3://is24-infrastructure-public/cloudformation/verified-ssl-certificate/

Specific version of commit <commit-hash>:

  • Template: s3://is24-infrastructure-public/cloudformation/verified-ssl-certificate/<commit-hash>/ssl-certificate.template.yaml
  • Lambda Code: s3://is24-infrastructure-public/cloudformation/verified-ssl-certificate/<commit-hash>/


# buid an deploy code to your development bucket
./ s3://my-dev-bucket/my-prefix false

# deploy stack with development version
aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --stack-name my-ssl-stack \
  --template-body file://$(pwd)/ssl-certificate.template.yaml \
  --parameters \
      ParameterKey=domain, \
      ParameterKey=hostedZoneName, \
      ParameterKey=lambdaCodeS3Bucket,ParameterValue=my-dev-bucket \
      ParameterKey=lambdaCodeS3Key,ParameterValue=my-prefix/ \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
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