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justdmitry / BootstrapMvc

Licence: MIT license
Write less bootstrap markup

Programming Languages

18002 projects


Extendable packages pack for simplifying Bootstrap markup in your ASP.MVC projects.

Packages list

Key features

  1. Library decomposition - allows creating different packages for different Bootstrap and/or Mvc versions with minimal code duplicating and without unneeded dependencies;
  2. Highly extendable - you can add helper methods to modify/extend existing classes, or add new classes, directly in your MVC project, not in package sources;
  3. Fluent - write short and efficient code;
  4. TextWriter-based - internally, all HTML is written directry to TextWriter-s, minimizing String allocation and concatenation;
  5. Open source - fork it, extend it, use it!


Just one sample - input form. Do you remember how much markup you should write? Now you can:

using (var form = Bootstrap.BeginFormFormType.Horizontal))
    using (Bootstrap.BeginFormFieldset("Fieldset one"))
        @Bootstrap.FormGroupFor(m => m.StringField)
            .Label("Label 1")
            .Control(Bootstrap.Input().Placeholder("placeholder text"))
    using (form.BeginFieldset("Fieldset two"))
        @form.GroupFor(m => m.IntegerField, "Label 2")
            .Control(Bootstrap.InputInt().Size(0, 3, 3, 3, 3))
        @form.GroupFor(m => m.BooleanField)
            .Control(Bootstrap.Checkbox("checkbox text"))
    using (form.Group().BeginContent())
        @Bootstrap.Button(ButtonType.SuccessGreen, "Save")
        @Bootstrap.Button(ButtonType.SecondaryWhite, "Cancel").Href("/list")

And you got this:


For more samples, visit one of sites: for Bootstrap 3 in ASP.NET MVC5 or for Bootstrap 3 in ASP.NET Core / MVC6 or even for Bootstrap 4 alpha.3 in ASP.NET Core / MVC6

Installation for MVC5

1. Install package via NuGet

Install BootstrapMvc.Bootstrap3Mvc5 package from NuGet to your ASP.MVC5 project.

2. Modify Views\web.config file

Modify your Views\Web.config file (and all Areas\<Area>\Views\Web.config too), replace base class for views (in <system.web.webPages.razor> section), instead:

<pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">


<pages pageBaseType="BootstrapMvc.Core.BootstrapViewPage">

And add one more namespace to namespaces list:

<add namespace="BootstrapMvc" />

3. Clean and Rebuild your project

Clean and Rebuild you project to activate changes and activate intellisence. Rarely, a Visual Studio restart also needed.

Installation for ASP.NET Core

1. Add correct dependency to project.json

"dependencies": {
    "BootstrapMvc.Bootstrap3Mvc6": "2.3.0"
"dependencies": {
    "BootstrapMvc.Bootstrap4Mvc6": "1.0.0-*"

RTM build of ASP.NET Core / MVC6 is supported.

2. Update Views\_ViewImports.cshtml file

Add two lines to Views\_ViewImports.cshtml file (create it if not exists):

@using BootstrapMvc
@inject BootstrapMvc.Mvc6.BootstrapHelper<TModel> Bootstrap

3. Register in DI container

Append to ConfigureServices() method in Startup.cs file:

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