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speechly / cli

Licence: other
Configure your Speechly application on the command line.

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Real-time automatic speech recognition and natural language understanding tools in one flexible API

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Speechly CLI

A command line tool to:

  • list apps
  • deploy configurations for Speechly apps
  • generate a sample from the configuration to see how the SAL is transformed into text
  • see statistics about the usage of Speechly apps
  • evaluate deployed Speechly app

Learn about the configuration syntax and other topics in the Speechly docs.


There are binary releases for macOS, Linux and Windows, see releases. Also a Docker image is built and published.


If you are using Homebrew, you can install the speechly command with:

  • brew tap speechly/tap
  • brew install speechly to get the latest release

After tapping, normal brew updates will include any new versions of speechly.


Scoop is a package manager for Windows. speechly can be installed with scoop with:

  • scoop bucket add speechly
  • scoop install speechly to install the latest release

You can get updates with scoop update.


You need an API key to be able to access the API. After creating one in the Speechly dashboard, create a configuration file for the CLI by adding a configuration context:

speechly config add --name default --apikey APIKEY [--host]

The latest context added will be used as the current context. See help for config command to discover other uses.

Another option is to set the API key as an environment variable, where the tool will pick it up and use it automatically. Just set env variable SPEECHLY_APIKEY and run!

After configuration of the Speechly CLI, it is possible to:

  • create create a new application in the current context (project)
  • download fetch the current app configuration to a local directory
  • list list apps in project
  • describe describe apps to get their status
  • deploy deploy to upload a directory containing SAL configuration file(s), train a model out of them and take the model into use.
  • sample sample a set of examples from the given SAL configuration
  • validate validate the given SAL configuration for syntax errors
  • stats see statistics about the apps in current context
  • delete delete an existing application
  • evaluate evaluate deployed app using list of examples

The versioning of the SAL configuration files should be done properly, ie. keep them in a version control system. Consider the deploy/download functionality to be a tool for the training pipeline instead of collaboration or versioning.

Read our tutorial for more information on using the Command Line Tool

Usage in Automation

Fully automated usage is easily possible, you need only the API key and the app_id. As the cli is also published to the Docker hub, it can be added to all tools supporting docker images as run steps.

Basic example with bash, mounting the current directory as the working directory:

export SPEECHLY_APIKEY=your_apikey
export APP_ID=your_appid

# validate app:
docker run -it --rm -e SPEECHLY_APIKEY -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) speechly/cli validate -a ${APP_ID} config-dir

# deploy app:
docker run -it --rm -e SPEECHLY_APIKEY -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) speechly/cli deploy -a ${APP_ID} config-dir -w

Github Actions

The configuration validation and deployment tasks can be set up as separate workflows in Github Actions. The following examples expect the app_id and API key to be set up as repository secrets. They also expect the configuration file(s) to be located in configuration-directory in the root of the repository.

Configuration validation

name: validate Speechly config
      - master
      - "configuration-directory/**"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: docker://speechly/cli:latest
          args: validate -a ${{ secrets.APPID }} configuration-directory
          SPEECHLY_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.SPEECHLY_APIKEY }}

Configuration deployment

name: deploy Speechly config
      - master
      - "configuration-directory/**"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: docker://speechly/cli:latest
          args: deploy -a ${{ secrets.APPID }} configuration-directory -w
          SPEECHLY_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.SPEECHLY_APIKEY }}

Develop and debug the tool

Compile and run tests

There are github actions for CI/CD, and locally you can run make test to run tests and make lint to run golangci-lint for the code.

Speechly API access

See the Speechly API for more information about the API and how to access it, as well as documentation.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].