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Cr4sh / Code Coverage Analysis Tools

Code coverage analysis tools for the PIN Toolkit

Code coverage analysis tools for PIN.

Developed by:

Oleksiuk Dmitry, eSage Lab mailto:[email protected]

My article about PIN and this tools: (in Russian, use Google Translate)

============================================================== ARCHIVE CONTENTS

./Coverager.dll - PIN instrumentation module for code coverage analysis. ./coverage_test.exe - Test application to buid code coverage map for Internet Explorer process. ./ - Program for parsing the logs, that has been generated by instrumentation module. ./ - Program to generates log files in Calltree Profile Format. ./symlib.pyd - PDB symbols library for Python 2.6 (see for usage details). ./symlib25.pyd - PDB symbols library for Python 2.5 ./EXAMPLES/ - Samples of output logs.

============================================================== BUILDING CODE COVERAGE MAP BY FUNCTIONS AND BASIC BLOCKS

  1. Download and install PIN toolkit (

  2. Copy Coverager.dll into the PIN toolkit root directory.

  3. Edit execute_pin.bat scenario and put PIN toolkit root directory path into the PINPATH variable.

  4. Use execute_pin.bat from command line to run some aaplication and generate code coverage map for it. Example:

    execute_pin.bat "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

  5. After the target applicaion termination 4 log files will be created (CoverageData.log, CoverageData.log.modules, CoverageData.log.routines and CoverageData.log.blocks).

  6. Use program to extract information from the generated logs. Example:

     C:\> python Coverager.log --dump-routines --modules "iexplore, ieframe" --outfile routines.txt
     SYMLIB: Symbols path is "C:\Symbols;SRV*C:\Symbols*"
     Code Coverage Analysis Tool for PIN
     by Oleksiuk Dmitry, eSage Lab ([email protected])
     Filtering by module name "iexplore"
     Filtering by module name "ieframe"
     [+] Output file: "routines.txt"
     [+] Parsing routines list, please wait...
     SYMLIB: Module loaded from "c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
     SYMLIB: 395 symbols loaded for "c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
     SYMLIB: Module loaded from "C:\Windows\system32\IEFRAME.dll"
     SYMLIB: 33516 symbols loaded for "C:\Windows\system32\IEFRAME.dll"
     [+] Processed modules list:
     # Routines count -- Module Name
                3576 -- flash10n.ocx
                  47 -- jp2ssv.dll
                 195 -- wdmaud.drv
                  15 -- rasadhlp.dll
                 208 -- msls31.dll
                 ... skipped ...
     [+] DONE

Sample log file from the can be found in ./EXAMPLES/IEXPLORE_Routines.txt For detailed information about usage see comments in the Python source.

============================================================== BUILDING AND EXPLORING CALL TREE MAP

  1. To enable call tree logging execute your target applicaion with execute_pin_calls.bat scenario:

    execute_pin_calls.bat "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"

  2. After the target applicaion termination in addidition to CoverageData.log, CoverageData.log.modules, CoverageData.log.routines and CoverageData.log.blocks also will be created a few files with the names like CoverageData.log., where - thread number.

  3. Use scenario to converting CoverageData.log. files into the Calltree Profile Format (that uses in Valgrind):

     C:\> python CoverageData.log *
     SYMLIB: Symbols path is "C:\Symbols;SRV*C:\Symbols*"
     Code Coverage Analysis Tool for PIN
     by Oleksiuk Dmitry, eSage Lab ([email protected])
     [!] Psyco is not available
     [+] Input file(s): CoverageData.log.0, CoverageData.log.1, CoverageData.log.10, CoverageData.lo
     g.11, CoverageData.log.12, CoverageData.log.13, CoverageData.log.14, CoverageData.log.15, Cover
     ageData.log.16, CoverageData.log.17, CoverageData.log.18, CoverageData.log.19, CoverageData.log
     .2, CoverageData.log.20, CoverageData.log.21, CoverageData.log.22, CoverageData.log.3, Coverage
     Data.log.4, CoverageData.log.5, CoverageData.log.6, CoverageData.log.7, CoverageData.log.8, Cov
     [+] Output file: Callgrind.out
     [+] 80 modules readed
     [+] Parsing routines list, please wait...
     [+] 27806 routines readed
     [+] Parsing call tree, please wait...
     SYMLIB: Module loaded from "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll"
     SYMLIB: 4239 symbols loaded for "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll"
     SYMLIB: Module loaded from "C:\Windows\system32\IEFRAME.dll"
     SYMLIB: 33516 symbols loaded for "C:\Windows\system32\IEFRAME.dll"
     SYMLIB: Module loaded from "C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll"
     SYMLIB: 35150 symbols loaded for "C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll"
     SYMLIB: Module loaded from "C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll"
     SYMLIB: 3940 symbols loaded for "C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll"
     ... skipped ...
     [+] DONE (15 mins., 33 secs.)
  creates Callgrind.out file, that can be explored with Kcachegrind program. Sample Callgrind.out for Internet Explorer process execution can be found in ./EXAMPLES/ directory. For detailed information about usage see comments in the Python source.

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