geonetwork / Core Geonetwork
Licence: gpl-2.0
GeoNetwork repository
Stars: ✭ 252
Programming Languages
68154 projects - #9 most used programming language
GeoNetwork Open-source
Build Health
- Immediate search access to local and distributed geospatial catalogues
- Uploading and downloading of data, graphics, documents, pdf files and any other content type
- An interactive Web Map Viewer to combine Web Map Services from distributed servers around the world
- Online editing of metadata with a powerful template system
- Scheduled harvesting and synchronization of metadata between distributed catalogs
- Support for OGC-CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile, OAI-PMH, SRU protocols
- Fine-grained access control with group and user management
- Multi-lingual user interface
User documentation is managed in the geonetwork/doc repository covering all releases of GeoNetwork.
The docs
folder includes geonetwork/doc as a git submodule. This documentation is compiled into html pages during a release for publishing on the website.
Developer documentation located in files in the code-base:
- General documentation for the project as a whole is in this
- Software Development Documentation provides instructions for setting up a development environment, building Geonetwork, compiling user documentation, and making a releases
- Module specific documentation can be found in each module (assuming there is module specific documentation required)
Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks,
for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner.
If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].