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codeforamerica / Demophone

A simple online phone, for demoing SMS-based interfaces.

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Ever needed to show off your fancy new SMS-based interface? Struggled as you asked everyone to gather around your phone to see it? Demophone was made for you. It's a simple, online phone for SMS demos.

demophone screenshot

Deploying to Herkou

The first thing you need to do is get a phone number and Twilio auth tokens for demophone. Refer to the Twilio FAQ. Once you have those, clone the repo and run these commands:

heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku config:set TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=<account-sid-here>
heroku config:set TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<auth-token-here>
heroku config:set TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=<twilio-phone-number-here>
heroku info

This will provide you with the url of your app.

The final step is to create the Twilio hook. Go the Twilio Phone Controls, select your phone number, and a messaging url of <app_url>/receiveText.

Adding a dash of security

To prevent people from using the endpoint to send twilio messages, you can enable Basic Auth. Just add a username and password to the environment variables. On Heroku:

heroku config:set HTTP_BASIC_USER=<username>
heroku config:set HTTP_BASIC_PASS=<password>
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