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📘 Unofficial command line client for

Programming Languages

139335 projects - #7 most used programming language usage

Simple unofficial command line interface for written in Python. It supports translations between the most common languages available on the website.

Installation works with Python 2 and Python 3 and is available on PyPi. All you have to do to install it is:

pip install


It's super easy! Here's a quick example of using it to translate the word beer between english (en) and swedish (sv):

$ en sv beer
Showing 2 of 2 result(s)

English                                                     Swedish
========                                                    =======
beer ...................................................... öl
beer glass ................................................ ölglas

You can also search for phrases by using quotation marks:

% en de body
Showing 10 of 49 result(s)

Englisch                                                    Deutsch
=========                                                   =======
body ...................................................... Körper-
a'body [Scot.] [allbody] .................................. jedermann
body [also wine] .......................................... Körper [auch bei Wein]
body ...................................................... Leib
body [dead body ] ......................................... Leiche
body ...................................................... Karosserie
body [trunk] .............................................. Rumpf
body [main part] .......................................... Hauptteil
body ...................................................... Gehäuse
body ...................................................... Körperschaft
body [society, organisation for sth.] ..................... Gesellschaft [Organisation]

Available languages include: en, de, sv, pt, it, fr, ro, nl.

Usage as Code

>>> from dictcc import Dict
>>> translator = Dict()
>>> result = translator.translate("hello", from_language="en", to_language="de")
>>> result.translation_tuples[:2]
[('Hello !', 'Hallo!'), ('Hello !', 'Servus! [bayer.] [österr.]')]


Public domain.

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