All Projects → Mic92 → doctor-cluster-config

Mic92 / doctor-cluster-config

Licence: other
NixOS configuration for TUM cluster

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All hostnames can be looked up in ./hosts. Most of the servers are in TU Munich. Some machines are in Edinburgh.

New admins: getting started

  1. Install nix (the recommended Multi-user installation is not NixOS, but only a package manager)
  2. Enable flake support in nix. This effectively adds the following flags to all your nix <flags> develop-like commands: --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes
  3. Clone the doctor-cluster-config repo, cd into it and run: nix develop. This opens a shell with additional packages available such as inv --list, sops and age.
  4. To generate new admin key, run (requires age):
mkdir -p ~/.config/sops/age/
age-keygen -o ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt

Provide the generated key to a pre-existing admin and wait for him to re-encrypt all secrets in this repo with it. After pulling the re-encrypted secrets you can read them with sops secrets.yml.

Apply config to all servers

Choose a deployment target:

$ inv -l
Available tasks:

  deploy-doctor      Deploy to rpi4, that is used to control power relay
  deploy-edinburgh   Deploy to edinburgh servers starting with rose
  deploy-tum         Deploy to TUM servers
  reboot             Reboot hosts. example usage: fab --hosts clara.r,donna.r reboot


$ inv deploy-tum

Add new users

Add chair members to ./modules/users.nix and students to ./modules/students.nix.

For chair members use a uid in the 1000-2000. For new students use a uid in the 2000-3000 range. Check that the uid is unique across both files and in the range between to avoid conflicts.

Add new servers

For installing new servers, see Add servers.

Update system

We use flakes to manage nixpkgs versions. To upgrade use:

$ nix flake update

Than commit flake.lock.


To install home-manager for a user simply run:

$ nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install

This will initiate your home-manager and will generate a file similar to the one in home/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix

Visual Studio Code Server support in NixOS

You can use this to enable support for VS Code Server in NixOS.

An example of the home.nix configured for VS Code support is shown in home/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix.


On all new TUM rack machines we have IPMI support!!!

Generally, you can find the IPMI web interface at https://$ (i.e. once the device has been installed in the rack. These addresses are only available through the management network, so you must use the RBG vpn for il1 to access them.

You can also retrieve the IP addresses assigned to the IPMI/BMC firmware by running:

ipmitool lan print

on the machine. On the other host (i.e. your laptop) you can run the following command to get a serial console:

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H <ipmi-ip-address> -U ADMIN -P "$(sops -d --extract '["ipmi-passwords"]' secrets.yml)" sol activate

The following will reboot the machine:

$ ipmitool -I lanplus -H <ipmi-ip-address> -U ADMIN -P "$(sops -d --extract '["ipmi-passwords"]' secrets.yml)" power cycle 

The IPMI password here is encrypted with sops. To decrypt it on your machine, your age/pgp fingerprint must be added to .sops.yaml in this repository. And one of the existing users must re-encrypt secrets.yml with your key.

Then press enter to get a login prompt. The root password for all machines is also stored in secrets.yaml.


Hosts are monitored here:


All machines are build by gitlab ci on a self-hosted runner. Gitlab will also propagate the build status to the github repository eventually. The resulting builds are uploaded to from where machines can download them while upgrading.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].