All Projects → zabirauf → elixir-ipfs-api

zabirauf / elixir-ipfs-api

Licence: MIT license
The Elixir library that is used to communicate with the IPFS REST endpoint.

Programming Languages

2628 projects

Build Status Inline docs

Current Version: v0.1.0


The Elixir library that is used to communicate with the IPFS REST endpoint.



The documentation is posted at hexdocs

How to use it

1. Add the library to mix.exs

The package is published on Hex. Add the elixir_ipfs_api as follow

defp deps do
        {:elixir_ipfs_api, "~> 0.1.0"}

2. Start the IPFS Daemon

Start the IPFS daemon by running the following in terminal

$ ipfs daemon

This will start the ipfs daemon with the API endpoint at localhost:5001. If you want to start the API endpoint at a different address then add to the config

$ ipfs config Addresses.API /ipfs/

3. Create the IpfsConnection in your code

The IpfsConnection entity contains the information of the IPFS API endpoint. By default it will try to connect to http://localhost:5001/api/v0

conn = %IpfsConnection{host: "", base: "api/v0", port: 5007}


Adding content to IPFS

iex> conn = %IpfsConnection{}
iex> IpfsApi.add(conn, "Hello world from Elixir-Ipfs-Api")
 %{"Hash" => "QmTcCZJEW1kUcYU1bKQk9SMGRsTisMMWXuxJ1AQerHwyaA",
 "Name" => "QmTcCZJEW1kUcYU1bKQk9SMGRsTisMMWXuxJ1AQerHwyaA"}}

Getting content from IPFS

iex> conn = %IpfsConnection{}
iex> IpfsApi.get(conn, "QmTcCZJEW1kUcYU1bKQk9SMGRsTisMMWXuxJ1AQerHwyaA")
<<81, 109, 84, 99, 67, 90, 74, 69, 87, 49, 107, 85, 99, 89, 85, 49, 98, 75, 81, 107, 57, 83, 77, 71, 82, 115, 84, 105, 115, 77, 77, 87, 88, 117, 120, 74, 49, 65, 81, 101, 114, 72, 119, 121, 97, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>


  • [] Add stream for adding & getting files to and from IPFS
  • [] Add a pool to request from multiple different IPFS nodes
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