All Projects → legend80s → gallery-server

legend80s / gallery-server

Licence: other
Beautiful and powerful yet simple local image viewer on your PC or mobile.

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Simple image viewer component for React
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A lightweight CSS3 image viewer that is pretty to look and and easy to use
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Minimal design gallery app for Android.
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A lightbox inspired Vue.js component.
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Pure java based, highly customizable media slider gallery supporting both images and videos for android.
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"Fx Fotos" is an opensource gallery app in react native with the same smoothness and features of Google Photos and Apple Photos. It is backend gnostic and connects to decentralized backends like "box", "Dfinity", "Filecoin" and "Crust".
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Web's most easy to integrate lightbox gallery library. Super-lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies.
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A simple image uploader website for use with screenshot applications such as ShareX.
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Image Viewer and Endless Scroll userscripts for Gelbooru and various other boorus
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Krita - Plugin - Color Picker and Mixer
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files photospheres
Nextcloud app for viewing Google PhotoSphere 360° images (panorama-images)
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Personal contents management system.
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Light, dependency free, responsive gallery script
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🌐 An ultra fast, production-grade on-the-fly image processing web server. Designed for high throughput with Nginx caching. Powered by imgproxy.
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PiGallery: AI-powered Self-hosted Secure Multi-user Image Gallery and Detailed Image analysis using Machine Learning, EXIF Parsing and Geo Tagging
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Angular2 component for
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React wrapper for lightgallery.js
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ProPicker is a file picker (image, video, file) library for Android. It helps you to pick any file and return the result in a convenient way
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Android library to choose image from gallery or camera with option to compress result image
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Mutual labels:  gallery

Welcome to gallery-server 👋

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Beautiful Local Image Viewer

Beautiful and powerful yet simple local image viewer on your PC or mobile.



No installment required!


  1. Serve the local photos.
npx gallery-server --folder /path/to/photos

# for more usage
npx gallery-server -h
  1. Open http://localhost:xxxx/ in your favorite browser or share with your friends http://a.b.c.d:xxxx/?token=${token}.

Enjoy on PC


Enjoy on Mobile


Photos from pixabay API of Yosemite.


  1. Photos in your PC can be viewed in your mobile phone's browser!
  2. Security on privacy to prevent eavesdropping. API or image resources without a specific token is forbidden, but you can still share with your friends by sending him the token.
  3. Theme togglable between light and dark.
  4. Videos also supported!
  5. More than one galleries can be served at the same time.
  6. A lot of gallery features. Check it at react-images.


  1. Q: Why 403 forbidden

      "code": 403,
      "message": "Forbidden. `token` required. Please redirect to for more information."
    • A: You see this message because you are not the gallery owner. Ask the owner for the token and append it to the resource URL.
  2. Photos in node_modules will be ignored for performance.


  1. start api server
npm run dev:server -- --folder=/path/to/photos
  1. start webpack devServer
npm run dev:client

Notice: Install all the dependencies into ./package.json's devDependencies not ./client/package.json. The package.json in client exits only for scripts

For example if you want change to another gallery (react-bnb-gallery):

# enter project root not ./client/
cd project_root

npm install --save-dev react-bnb-gallery

# start api server
npm run dev:server -- --folder=/path/to/photos

# start webpack devServer
npm run dev:client


npm version patch / minor / major

Run tests

npm run test


👤 legend80s

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.


  • Any port. use unoccupied port.
  • Build with remote client to support a wide range of client gallery.
  • Use network IP. mimic create-react-app.
  • Show help Information on cli -v -h.
  • Viewable on mobile.
  • Adapt to mobile.
  • Image lazy load.
  • Security on privacy. only url with token is shareable.
  • Port customizable.
  • Token customizable.
  • Serve multiple folders in one cmd.
  • Token can be optional when viewed on owner's brower.
  • Electron App.

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