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wu-lee / Git Cvs

Wrapper for git-cvsexportcommit and git-cvsimport, which aims to simplify their use. Currently alpha state!

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The git-cvs source code respository can be found here:

There's no installer, but the script is self-contained and just needs to be on the execution $PATH (as well as git and cvs).

Given a CVS repository at $CVS_ROOT, tracking a module $CVS_MODULE can be done like this:

Create a git repo

mkdir repo_name cd repo_name

(Note, there should be no .git directory here already, as this will

stop git cvsimport working correctly with the -o option)

Initialise git-cvs's config file

echo cvsroot=$CVS_ROOT >.git-cvs echo cvsmodule=$CVS_MODULE >>.git-cvs

Optionally create an authormap for git-cvsimport, e.g.:


... and supply the option --author-file $cvs_authors on the first

git-cvs pull.

git-cvsimport will then copy $cvs_authors into .git/cvs-authors,

and use it on subsequent invocations; the original $cvs_authors

file can be deleted.

See the documentation for git-cvsimport's -A option for more information.

Pull gets cvs files using git-cvsimport. (cvsimport will initialise .git

and copy any $cvs_authors file specified into it)

git-cvs pull # or: git-cvs pull --author-file $cvs_authors

hack hack...

Push the files back into CVS with git-cvsexportcommit

(This pushes the commits master..remotes/cvs/cvshead by default,

or cvsworking/NAME..remotes/cvs/NAME for each CVS branch NAME)

git-cvs push

Pull the changes back into remote/cvs/cvshead and

(a messy part I've not found a way round yet) throw away our

locally merged commits

git-cvs pull git reset --hard remote/cvs/cvshead

More hacking...

Repeat push/pull steps as needed

Some other points:

  • Changes in CVS get pulled back, including multiple branches.

  • An author-mapping file can be supplied as for cvs-import -A

  • The script creates local CVS working directories .git/git-cvs/cvscheckout/NAME, one for each CVS branch NAME.

  • Git's master branch tracks CVS's HEAD branch.

  • A git branch cvsworking/NAME is created to track each CVS branch NAME.

  • Edits in these branches get pushed back to the appropriate CVS branches.

  • Verbose subcommand output currently goes into .git/git-cvs/logs.

  • Invoking git-cvs with no parameters gets information about the options.

  • In an emergency, a list of commit ids can be supplied to git-cvs push.

  • Written in Perl, uses only core modules (tested with v5.8.8)

  • There is a small test suite in t/, run individually or with "prove/*.t"

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