All Projects → rwaldron → Jquery Hive

rwaldron / Jquery Hive

jQuery Plugin for creating and managing web workers across implementations. Includes Hive.Pollen.js - the thread-safe utility library for connecting worker threads to the Hive.

Programming Languages

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Enter The jQuery.Hive

  • Simplify the client/main page worker setup API
  • Wrap Worker constructor and functions in syntax that jQuery developers are familiar with
  • Normalize cross-implementation inconsistencies; message serialization/deserialization
  • Worker-to-Worker Direct Messaging
  • Worker memoization

jQuery.Hive.js API

Feed Workers With Pollen

  • Provides a light weight, reusable library for:
  • AJAX, Worker-to-Worker Direct Messaging, Worker memoization
  • Object, Array and String Manipulation
  • Query JSON objects with JSONPath
  • Variable evaluation and logic control flow utilities
  • Syntax that jQuery developers will recognize and understand

jQuery.Hive.Pollen.js API

Basic Client Setup

Assumes >= jQuery 1.4 and jQuery.Hive.js are loaded

$(function () {


    worker: 'worker.js',
    receive: function (data) {'RECEIVED MESSAGE - WORKER: #' + data._from_);
        console.log( data );  

        Possible uses:

        Populate a massive data table...

        Update a browser based IM client

        Update a feed reader app ( 1-to-1 worker to feed?)
        Handle audio data from typed array
        Handle pixel array

    created: function (hive) {

        Possible uses:

        Impress the hell out of your friends by 
        executing code after all the workers are created

    This contradicts what I noted above, but  it's for 
    illustration purposes, so I'm ok with that.

  $( $.Hive.get(1) ).send({ 

    "message" : { 
      "a" : "a-value",
      "b" : "b-value",
      "c" : "c-value"


    Alternative syntax

    "message" : { 
      "a" : "a-value",
      "b" : "b-value",
      "c" : "c-value"


    Specify an additional callback

    "message" : { 
      "a" : "a-value",
      "b" : "b-value",
      "c" : "c-value"

  }, function (data) {

    console.log('This is from a task specific message receipt callback');



Basic Worker Example


$(function (data) {

  // `this` equals WorkerGlobalScope

    url: 'get-data-from-the-server.php',  
    data: $.param(data.message), 
    success: function(jsonObj) { 

      //  Assume its a list of companies with some contact data.

          $.filter(jsonObj, function (obj) { 

            //  If not passed in the data property above, we could filter here.
            //  Not the most efficient way, the example is really to illustrate Pollen's syntax

            if ( $.inStr(, ) { 
              return true; 
            return false;


      // OR...


          //  Get filtered data with a JSONPath query


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