All Projects → KDE → kirigami-gallery

KDE / kirigami-gallery

Licence: other
Kirigami component gallery application

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Kirigami Gallery

Example application which uses all features from kirigami, including links to the sourcecode, tips on how to use the components and links to the corresponding HIG pages and code examples on invent.

Build on Android:

Make sure to install android-sdk, android-ndk and android-qt5-arch, where arch should be the same architecture that you aim to deploy.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
    -DQTANDROID_EXPORTED_TARGET=kirigami2gallery \
    -DANDROID_APK_DIR=./src/ \
    -DECM_DIR=/path/to/share/ECM/cmake \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/share/ECM/toolchain/Android.cmake \
    -DECM_ADDITIONAL_FIND_ROOT_PATH=/path/to/Qt5.X.0/5.X/{arch} \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt5.X.0/5.X/{arch}/path/to/Qt5Core \
    -DANDROID_NDK=/path/to/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle \
    -DANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/Android/Sdk/ \

You need a -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to somewhere in your home, but using an absolute path.

If you have a local checkout of the breeze-icons repo, you can avoid the cloning of the build dir by passing also -DBREEZEICONS_DIR=/path/to/existing/sources/of/breeze-icons

make create-apk-kirigami2gallery

./kirigami2gallery_build_apk/build/outputs/apk/kirigami2gallery_build_apk-debug.apk will be generated

To directly install on a phone:

adb install -r ./kirigami2gallery_build_apk/build/outputs/apk/kirigami2gallery_build_apk-debug.apk

To perform this, your device need to be configureted with USB debugging and install via USB in Developer options.

Some ambient variables must be set before the process: ANDROID_NDK, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, Qt5_android and JAVA_HOME

export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/android-ndk
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/path/to/android-sdk
export Qt5_android=/path/to/android-qt5/5.X.0/{arch}
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools/:$PATH
# adapt the following path to your ant installation
export ANT=/usr/bin/ant
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/
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