BriefingSecure direct video group chat
Stars: ✭ 710 (+697.75%)
Mutual labels: audio, communication, webrtc, peer
WebrtcPure Go implementation of the WebRTC API
Stars: ✭ 8,399 (+9337.08%)
Mutual labels: audio, rtp, webrtc, p2p
MediadevicesGo implementation of the MediaDevices API.
Stars: ✭ 197 (+121.35%)
Mutual labels: rtp, webrtc, p2p
RtpA Go implementation of RTP
Stars: ✭ 120 (+34.83%)
Mutual labels: audio, rtp, webrtc
peermesh💫 Exchange files p2p and e2e encrypted over a fully meshed network in your browser using WebRTC.
Stars: ✭ 107 (+20.22%)
Mutual labels: transfer, webrtc, p2p
P2p Cdn Sdk JavascriptFree p2p cdn github javascript sdk to reduce video streaming costs of live and on demand video using webrtc by upto 90% and improve scalability by 6x - 🚀 Vadootv 🚀
Stars: ✭ 158 (+77.53%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p, peer
Ios P2p EngineLet your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN.
Stars: ✭ 31 (-65.17%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p, peer
Peertransfer📦 • Send a file p2p and e2e encrypted in your browser using WebRTC.
Stars: ✭ 238 (+167.42%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p, transfer
QtoxqTox is a chat, voice, video, and file transfer IM client using the encrypted peer-to-peer Tox protocol.
Stars: ✭ 3,843 (+4217.98%)
Mutual labels: audio, communication, p2p
LibjitsiAdvanced Java media library for secure real-time audio/video communication.
Stars: ✭ 536 (+502.25%)
Mutual labels: audio, rtp, webrtc
P2p Media LoaderAn open-source engine for P2P streaming of live and on demand video directly in a web browser HTML page
Stars: ✭ 822 (+823.6%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p, peer
Opentok Ios Sdk SamplesExample applications that use the OpenTok iOS SDK
Stars: ✭ 186 (+108.99%)
Mutual labels: audio, communication, webrtc
NearA P2P library for Android for discovery on local networks using UDP and transfer in general using TCP sockets
Stars: ✭ 296 (+232.58%)
Mutual labels: p2p, peer, transfer
Hlsjs P2p EngineLet your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN.
Stars: ✭ 759 (+752.81%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p, peer
Android P2p EngineLet your viewers become your unlimitedly scalable CDN.
Stars: ✭ 70 (-21.35%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p, peer
Peer CallsGroup peer to peer video calls for everyone written in Go and TypeScript
Stars: ✭ 837 (+840.45%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p
Waggle.jsAn experiment to distribute the bandwidth among video viewers
Stars: ✭ 29 (-67.42%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p
LnbookMastering the Lightning Network (LN)
Stars: ✭ 931 (+946.07%)
Mutual labels: p2p, peer
ViraljsExpress.JS middleware to enable P2P distribution for your app. Your decentralized CDN made easy.
Stars: ✭ 952 (+969.66%)
Mutual labels: webrtc, p2p