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kishikawakatsumi / Pephotocropeditor

Licence: mit
Image cropping library for iOS.

PEPhotoCropEditor License MIT

Version Platform Build Status Analytics

PEPhotoCropEditor is image cropping library for iOS, similar to the UI.

ScreenShot 1 Movie 1


  • Both iPhone/iPad available
  • Works fine any device orientations
  • Support pinch gesture to zoom
  • Support rotation gesture

System requirements

  • iOS 5.0 or higher



pod 'PEPhotoCropEditor'


Use view controller component

 PECropViewController *controller = [[PECropViewController alloc] init];
 controller.delegate = self;
 controller.image = self.imageView.image;
 UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:controller];
 [self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion:NULL];

Or use the crop view directly

self.cropView = [[PECropView alloc] initWithFrame:contentView.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:self.cropView];

Get the cropped image

delegate method

- (void)cropViewController:(PECropViewController *)controller didFinishCroppingImage:(UIImage *)croppedImage
    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:NULL];
    self.imageView.image = croppedImage;

retrieve from view directly

UIImage *croppedImage = self.cropView.croppedImage;

Keep crop aspect ratio while resizing

controller.keepingCropAspectRatio = YES;
self.cropView.keepingCropAspectRatio = YES;

Specify crop rect by image size based

// e.g.) Cropping center square
CGFloat width = image.size.width;
CGFloat height = image.size.height;
CGFloat length = MIN(width, height);
controller.imageCropRect = CGRectMake((width - length) / 2,
                                      (height - length) / 2,
// e.g.) Cropping center square
CGFloat width = image.size.width;
CGFloat height = image.size.height;
CGFloat length = MIN(width, height);
self.cropView.imageCropRect = CGRectMake((width - length) / 2,
                                         (height - length) / 2,

Reset back crop rect to original image size and rotation

[controller resetCropRect];
[self.cropView resetCropRect];


PEPhotoCropEditor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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