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threepointone / Routah

Licence: mit
yet another router for react

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npm install routah --save

  • heavily inspired by react-router and react-motion
  • render <Route /> elements anywhere in your app
  • express-style pattern matching
  • server-side friendly
  • tests
  • more!
import {Router, Route, Link, Redirect} from 'routah';

function App(){
  return <div>
      {/* link across the app */}
      <li><Link to='/1'>Page 1</Link></li>
      <li><Link to='/2'>Page 2</Link></li>
      <li><Link to='/p/1e536f'>Page 3</Link></li>
      <li><Link to='/4'>Page 4</Link></li>

    {/* renders when the browser url is /1 */}
    <Route path='/1' component={Page1} />
    {/* and similarly when /2 */}
    <Route path='/2' component={Page2} passProps={{more: data}}/>

    {/* match across paths */}
    <Route path={['/p/:id', 'para/:id']}>{
      location => // you can use a render callback
          <MyApp section={} sub={location.query.sub} />
          {/* render routes wherever */}
          <Route path='/p/special'
            component={Special} onEnter={::console.log} />

    {/* you can also redirect to other portions of the app */}
    <Route path='/3'>{
      location => <Redirect to='/2' /> // triggers a `history.push`

    {/* read the docs/examples for more! */}

ReactDOM.render(<Router><App/></Router>, document.body)


Wrap your application in a <Router> element to start the router

render(<Router><App/></Router>, element);
  • history - (optional) history object


A <Route path={...}> element renders only when the current url matches the path expression.

// you can use a render-callback
<Route path='/about'>{
  () => <div>About Us</div>

// or pass the component and optionally props
<Route path={['/inbox', '/inbox/:id']} component={Inbox} passProps={{some: data}} />
  • path - an express-style path matcher
  • path - an array of the above
  • render via children (location, history) - a render-callback
  • render via component - a React.Component which will receive {location, history} as props
  • passProps - additional props to transfer when using component
  • onMount (location)
  • onEnter (location, callback)
  • onLeave (location, callback)
  • onUnload (location)
  • notFound (location) - a render-callback when path doesn't match. defaults to () => null


A <Link to={...}> is a replacement for <a> elements

<Link to={{path: '/inbox', query: {id}}}>message {id}</Link>


A <Redirect to={...} /> triggers a redirect to to whenever/wherever rendered.

<Route path='/old'>{
  () => <Redirect to='/new'/>


This emulates a behavior from react-router - given one or more <Routes/>, render only the first matching element. This makes it easy to make Index/NotFound pages. eg -

<RouteStack notFound={() => <NotFound/> }>
  <Route path='/about' component={About} />
  <Route path='/inbox' component={Inbox} />
  <Route component={Default} />
  • children - one or more <Route/> elements
  • notFound (location) - when no child matches. good for 404s!


The history object is passed via context to all its descendants. Use it to trigger actions on the url -

differences from react-router

  • Route accepts a 'children as a function' render-callback (as an alternative to component/passProps props)
  • <Route /> elements can be rendered anywhere in the app
  • urls don't get 'nested', no activeClass/activeStyle - issue #1
  • sibling <Route /> elements don't depend on each other (use <RouteStack /> for similar behavior)
  • no async data/components/routes loading - consider using a lib like AsyncProps, react-resolver, etc
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