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richardanaya / rust-simple-virtual-dom

Licence: other
A very simple virtual dom implementation in Rust and Web Assembly

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Simple Virtual DOM in Rust + WASM

This project is my attempt as simply implementing a very basic virtual DOM from scratch. There's a few interesting challenges in talking with javascript as well as the algorithm itself.

Let's talk first about the challenges of WASM interacting with DOM. Since web assembly doesn't have any API for interacting with the DOM, we must interact with the DOM through Javascript. There is however an additional difficulty in that WASM-JS communication can only be done through simple number types (integers and floats). This brings the first question of how do we pass a string from WASM to javascript?

Our one saving grace is that javascript has access to the memory of our WASM application. So instantiating a string in WASM can be viewed in JS if we know two things:

  1. the start of the string
  2. the length of the string

In this project, it might be easiest to see how this is done by looking at the log function in WASM. We have a helper function log that calls a javascript function js_log. log creates a C string type, and we can get a pointer which represents the memory location to send to javascript. Javascript can then iterate through those characters and form a string of it's own to do some action with (see extractStringFromMemory in index.js).

We'll be using multiple functions that pass along strings to javascript to perform various DOM manipulation, so whenever you see a start and length its talking about a string being sent over the WASM-JS bridge.


extern {
    fn js_log(start:*mut c_char,len:usize);

pub fn log(msg:&str) {
    let s = CString::new(msg).unwrap();
    let l = msg.len();
    unsafe {

DOM management

Since WASM can't pass around DOM elements directly, what we need is some sort of system for talking about the DOM we are going to operate on. In this project, whenever DOM is queried or created, we give that piece of DOM an integer ID.

For instance, if we queried the body element, we assign that element a number and store that in an dictionary number -> Element. Let's assum the number we get for referring to the body is 123. Now whenever we perform DOM operations on the body, say, setting the innerHTML. We can simply call set_inner_html(123,"hello!").

type DomNode = i32;

Virtual DOM

There is a great (but incomplete article) that describe the process of creating a Virtual DOM from scratch.

The important thing to remember is that we are trying to do as minimal DOM operations as possible. Manipulating the DOM is incredibly expensive, so if we can find any way of avoiding interactions with it the better. How virtual DOM accomplishes this is by representing our DOM as a tree of nodes. Then each time we render, we compare the tree of nodes we currently have to the new tree of nodes, and we can determine what real DOM needs to be created,removed, replaced, or modified.

In this example i'm making a pretty massive simplification: this is a virtual DOM for elements with NO attributes or event handlers

This simplification makes it alot easier to see the basic operations going on. In Rust we represent VirtualDom as follows.

// VirtualElementNode represents an html element
struct VirtualElementNode {
    node_type: String,
    children: Vec<VirtualDomNode>

// VirtualTextNode represents text that is mixed in with elements
struct VirtualTextNode {
    text: String,

// We use an enumeration to represent these two
// plus an empty DOM node to represent nothing
enum VirtualDomNode {

// VirtualDom represents a virtual dom tree
struct VirtualDom {

impl VirtualDom {
    // new creates an empty VirtualDom
    fn new() -> VirtualDom {
        VirtualDom {
            node: VirtualDomNode::Empty

    // Compares two virtual dom tree structures and updates the real DOM
    // then stores the new dom tree for future comparisons
    fn render(&mut self, el:DomNode, new_node:VirtualDomNode){
        // TODO: some magical comparisons that updates the contents of el
        self.node = new_node;

For a simple html:


A simple tree of DOM might be represented thus as:

    node_type: String::from("div"),
    children: vec![
            node_type: String::from("h1"),
            children: vec![
                    text: String::from("hello"),

This is a little verbose though, we we have two helper functions:

fn h(node_type:&str,children:Vec<VirtualDomNode>)->VirtualDomNode {
        node_type: String::from(node_type),
        children: children

fn t(text:&str)->VirtualDomNode {
        text: String::from(text)

So we can easily represent virtual DOM


This allows us to easily interact with our virtual DOM:

// Let's get a handle to our body element
let body = query_selector("body");

// Let's create our empty virtual dom
let mut vd = VirtualDom::new();

// Render a simple list to the body element
vd.render(body, h("div",vec![

// Render a new virtual dom tree to the body element that is the reverseof the list
vd.render(body, h("div",vec![
// ONLY h1 and h3's text node should change

Let's consider what happens on the first rendering. We have a virtual dom tree with an Empty node in it, and some new virtual dom tree coming in that has elements and text. Our tree comparison is simple in this first rendering since we only have all new nodes we need to create real DOM elements for. So let's look how we might create that tree of real DOM. We have three scenerios to handle:

fn create_element_from_node(node:&VirtualDomNode) -> DomNode {
    match node {
        VirtualDomNode::VirtualElementNode(vnode) => {
            let el = create_element(&vnode.node_type);
            // Recursively create child nodes as well
            for c in vnode.children.iter() {
                let child_element = create_element_from_node(c);
        VirtualDomNode::VirtualTextNode(text_node) => {
            let el = create_text_element(&text_node.text);
        VirtualDomNode::Empty => {
            let el = create_text_element("");


Finally once we create this tree of nodes, we simply attach the top most element to the body element.

The real trickiness of the virtual DOM algorithm occurs when comparing two virtual DOM trees that are structurally different. We walk down the tree of both DOMs and are looking for any differances if any and determine what to do! There aren't that many scenerios to handle. Let's take a look:

let body = query_selector("body");
let start_vdom = VirtualDOM::Empty;
let next_vdom = h("div", vec![t("hello!")])
fn update_element(parent:DomNode, child_index:usize, new_node:&VirtualDomNode, old_node:&VirtualDomNode){
    //child_index represents what child of the parent we are trying to determine what to do with
    match old_node {
        VirtualDomNode::Empty => {
            // If our old node was empty, the new node should be created and added to the parent
            // This is likely what will happen on our first render
            let child = create_element_from_node(&new_node);
        VirtualDomNode::VirtualTextNode(old_text_node)=> {
            match new_node {
                VirtualDomNode::Empty => {
                    // if a text node is being replaced with nothing
                    // just remove that real DOM child
                VirtualDomNode::VirtualElementNode(_)=> {
                    // if a text node is being replaced with an element node
                    // create that real DOM element
                    let child = create_element_from_node(new_node);
                    // and replace the text node real DOM with it
                VirtualDomNode::VirtualTextNode(new_text_node)=> {
                    // If a text node is being replaced with another text node
                    // Check if they are different
                    if old_text_node.text != new_text_node.text {
                        // if so create a new text node real DOM
                        let child = create_element_from_node(new_node);
                        // and replace the old text node real DOM
        VirtualDomNode::VirtualElementNode(old_vnode)=> {
            match new_node {
                // If an element is being replaced with nothing, remove the real DOM child
                VirtualDomNode::Empty => {
                VirtualDomNode::VirtualTextNode(_)=> {
                    // If a real dom element is being replaced with a text node
                    // create the text node
                    let child = create_element_from_node(new_node);
                    // and replace the real DOM child with it
                VirtualDomNode::VirtualElementNode(new_vnode)=> {
                    // if an element node is being replaced with another element node
                    // see if they are even the same elemen
                    if old_vnode.node_type != new_vnode.node_type {
                        // if they are a different element, create the new element real DOM
                        let child = create_element_from_node(new_node);
                        // replace the old element real DOM
                    } else {
                        // if they are the same
                        let new_length = new_vnode.children.len();
                        let old_length = old_vnode.children.len();
                        let min_length = cmp::min(new_length,old_length);

                        // loop through the children nodes of both the old and new element and recursively update and replace
                        for i in 0..min_length {
                            let child = get_child(parent,child_index);
                        // if we have more node children on the new element add them to the real DOM
                        if new_length > old_length {
                            let child = get_child(parent,child_index);
                            for i in min_length..new_length {
                                let new_child = create_element_from_node(&new_vnode.children[i]);
                        // if we have less node children than the old node, remove excess real DOM children
                        if old_length > new_length {
                            let child = get_child(parent,child_index);
                            for i in min_length..old_length {
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