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pandaman64 / Serde Query

Licence: other

Programming Languages

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Serde Query: An efficient query language for Serde

serde-query provides a query language for Serde data model.

serde-query is:

  • Efficient. You can extract only the target parts from a potentially large document with a jq-like syntax. It works like a streaming parser and touches only a minimal amount of elements.
  • Flexible. serde-query can work with any serde-compatible formats.
  • Zero-cost. The traversal structure is encoded as types in compile time.


use serde_query::{DeserializeQuery, Query};

struct Data {
    first_author: String,
    hash_value: u64,

let document = serde_json::to_string(&serde_json::json!({
    "commit": {
        "authors": ["Kou", "Kasumi", "Masaru"],
        "date": "2020-09-10",
    "hash": 0xabcd,

// You can use `Query<T>` as a `Deserialize` type for any `Deserializer`
// and convert the result to the desired type using `From`/`Into`.
let data: Data = serde_json::from_str::<Query<Data>>(&document)?.into();

assert_eq!(data.first_author, "Kou");
assert_eq!(data.hash_value, 0xabcd);


This library generates Rust types for each query segment (e.g., .commit, .commit.message, etc.), which may lead to binary bloat and longer compile time.


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