All Projects → lighttiger2505 → sqls.vim

lighttiger2505 / sqls.vim

Licence: MIT license
Vim plugin for sqls

Programming Languages

Vim Script
2826 projects


Vim plugin for sqls


For vim-plug

Plug 'lighttiger2505/sqls.vim'
Plug 'prabirshrestha/vim-lsp'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }



sqls.vim demo

Commands Plug Mappings Description
SqlsExecuteQuery (sqls-execute-query) execute query of the current buffer adn show query result to preview buffer.
SqlsExecuteQueryVertical (sqls-execute-query-vertical) ... display results vertically.
SqlsShowConnections (sqls-show-connections) show database connection to preview buffer.
SqlsShowDatabases (sqls-show-databases) show database to preview buffer.
SqlsSwitchDatabase (sqls-switch-database) select and swith database. Requirement fzf.
SqlsSwitchDatabase <DB Name> - swith database.
SqlsSwitchConnection (sqls-switch-connection) select and swith database connection. Requirement fzf.
SqlsSwitchConnection <Connection Index> - swith database connection.
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