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alexandrebodin / Storybook Addon Apollo Graphql

Storybook decorator to add offline ApolloProvider to use into your stories

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Storybook Apollo Graphql addon

Test your Apollo graphql components with an offline graphql server

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Addon example


This library uses graphql-tools to build a schema and mock it. For mocking reference read here

Create your stories with the withApolloProvider API.

import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withApolloProvider } from '../../src';
import { gql, graphql } from 'react-apollo';

const Component = ({ data: { random } }) => <div>{random}</div>;
const ComponentWithGraphql = graphql(

const typeDefs = `
    type Query {
        random: Int!

const mocks = {
  Query: () => ({
    random: () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10),

export default () => {
  storiesOf('Random Number', module)
    .addDecorator(withApolloProvider({ typeDefs, mocks, schemaOptions: {}, mockOptions: {} }))
    .add('A random number query', () => <ComponentWithGraphql />);

You can optionnaly pass extra options:

  • schemaOptions (passes options to makeExecutableSchema) link
  • mockOptions (passes options to addMockFunctionsToSchema) link


See Examples here


You can clone and run the demo

$ git clone storybook-addon-apollo-graphql
$ cd storybook-addon-apollo-graphql
$ yarn install
$ yarn storybook
$ open http://localhost:9009
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