All Projects → toxinu → sushi

toxinu / sushi

Licence: other
Sushi is package builder based on template.

Programming Languages

139335 projects - #7 most used programming language


Sushi is package builder based on template. Enough to create same package structure every time. Create custom recipes for Flask, Django or every BoilerPlate you want!

Sushi can learn/unlearn/upgrade every recipes you want. Like package manager for recipes. You have to give every cookbook (repository) you want to Sushi and all it's recipes will be available to you.

And of course you can very easily create your own cookbook cause they are Github repositories.


  • Create template for everything based on Jinja2
  • Deploy the same everytime
  • Make specific recipe for Flask, Django, ...
  • Use helpers (plugins) to not waste time
  • Auto git init your package

Sushi support helper(extensions) and there are easy to create. There are already some extension, like git.

Quick start


pip install sushi

Meet the cookchef

If it's the first time your run Sushi, your cookbook must be empty. You can add my personnal cookbook to your in order to discover sushi:

Sushi » sushi cookbook-add socketubs/sushi-recipes
==> Add socketubs/sushi-recipes cookbook
Cloning into 'socketubs/recipes'...
remote: Counting objects: 126, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (84/84), done.
remote: Total 126 (delta 46), reused 108 (delta 28)
Receiving objects: 100% (126/126), 44.95 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (46/46), done.
==> Done

First recipe

List all recipes available on my cookbook:

Sushi » sushi all
==> Recipes available

And learn the basic one for example.

Sushi » sushi learn basic
==> Learn given recipe
==> Done

Deploy it !

Tests » sushi craft MyApp --recipe=basic
==> Craft your project
  => Recipe: basic
==> Call helpers
==> Done


Take a look at your configuration file: ~/.sushi/sushi.conf.

Create your own recipe


If you want to create your own recipe, you have to create a pull request on my cookbook or create your own cookbook on __Github__.

Recipes are simple folder archives with a basic structure but with Jinja2 code inside your files.

How to

This is a tree sample of my advanced recipe:

tree advanced
├── .gitignore
├── __app__
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── bin
│   └── __app__

All files will be parsed by __Jinja2__ and all tags listed below will be replaced.

There is just one keyword to know for filename: __app__ will be replace by your formatted module name.

And for file rendering:

Keyword Value
{{ app }} Your app name
{{ license }} Your favorite license (according to OpenDefinition)
{{ license_content }} Url to favorite license
{{ username }} Operating system username
{{ firstname }} Your firstname
{{ lastname }} Your lastname
{{ year }} Year
{{ day }} Day
{{ month }} Month
{{ hour }} Hour
{{ minute }} Minute
{{ second }} Second
{{ date }} Date (2012-09-01 16:55)

And every values you can add to your configuration file under settings section.

Create your own helpers [REWRITE]


Helpers are Sushi extensions, they will be run after complete rendering of your recipes.

How to

You module name must be sushi_ext_name and it will be call like that, wich dst is the path where recipe will be renderer.

Your helper can use sushi.core api like that:

>>> from sushi.core import conf
>>> conf.get('settings', 'license')
>>> conf.get('paths', 'sushi_recipes')
>>> from sushi.env import get_env
>>> get_env('my_package')
{'username': 'socketubs',
 'license_content': u'',
 'hour': 21, 'day': 2, 'minute': 0, 'month': 9, 'second': 4, 'year': 2012,
 'firstname': '## Set firstname',
 'lastname': '## Set lastname',
 'module': 'my_package',
 'date': '2012-09-02 21:00',
 'name': 'my_package',
 'license': 'agpl-v3',
 'email': '## Set email'}

And of course conf object is ConfigParser, so you can ask your helper users to set variables in their configuration file.


You can find an example on Github.


License is AGPL3. See LICENSE.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].