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hashrocket / Unencumbered

Licence: mit
Just enough Cucumber in RSpec.

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h1. Unencumbered

You got Cucumber in my RSpec!

Write Cucumber-flavored integration tests as easily as you write your RSpec.

h2. To Get Output Like This

Output from a @rake spec:[email protected] run:

User creates a vurl
  Scenario:  creating
    Given I am on the home page
      When I submit a valid vurl
        Then I should be on vurl stats page
        And I should see a success message
        And my vurl was successfully created

h2. Make a Feature Like This

Put it in a spec file in the spec/integration folder. Here's user_creates_vurl_spec.rb for example:

require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__)

Feature "User creates a vurl" do
  Scenario "creating" do
    Given "I am on the home page" do
      executes { visit root_path }

      When "I submit a valid vurl" do
        executes do
          fill_in "vurl_url", :with => ''
          click_button 'Vurlify!'

        Then "I should be on the vurl stats page" do
          current_url.should == stats_url(Vurl.last.slug)

        And "I should see a success message" do
          response.body.should include('Vurl was successfully created')

        And "my vurl was created" do
          Vurl.last.url.should == ''

h2. Set Up

h3. Environment

Add this line to your config/environments/test.rb file. Make sure to use the @:lib => [email protected] item. We need to require the library manually in the spec_helper.rb, since it patches RSpec.

config.gem "unencumbered", :lib => false, :version => 'x.x.x'

h3. spec_helper.rb

Meld these lines into your existing spec/spec_helper.rb. Note the unencumbered require needs to be after your RSpec requires, since it patches RSpec.

require 'unencumbered'
require 'webrat'

Webrat.configure do |config|
  config.mode = :rails

Spec::Runner.configure do |config|

  [...your other config code...]

  config.include(Webrat::Matchers, :type => [:integration])

class ActionController::Integration::Session; include Spec::Matchers; end

h3. spec.opts

RSpec's nested format reads nicely. Put this line in your spec/spec.opts file.

--format nested

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