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eproxus / unite

Licence: MIT license
Pretty EUnit test formatters

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Pretty EUnit test formatters

Example output

Installation & Usage

Add Unite as a dependency in your rebar.config and enable the Unite formatter:

{profiles, [
    {test, [
        {deps, [unite]},
        {eunit_opts, [no_tty, {report, {unite_compact, []}}]}

Using no_tty is important, because it disables the standard EUnit output.

Then just run Rebar 3 as usual: rebar3 eunit.


To get timings of long running tests, add profile to the option list:

{eunit_opts, [no_tty, {report, {unite_compact, [profile]}}]}.

This will show the top 10 slowest tests (or the top N slowest tests if {profile, N} is used).


If you or your company use Unite and find it useful, donations are greatly appreciated!

Donate using Liberapay
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