All Projects → substack → Virtual Dom Unidirectional Example

substack / Virtual Dom Unidirectional Example

virtual-dom example demonstrating unidirectional data flow with an EventEmitter and websockets

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virtual-dom example to demonstrate a unidirectional data flow from render function elements back out through an EventEmitter

using main-loop, websockets, and browserify/watchify with npm run scripts

quick start

$ npm install
$ npm run watch &
$ npm start


  • npm run build - build js for production
  • npm run watch - automatically build js on file changes for development
  • npm start - start a development server

example code

main browser code

var main = require('main-loop')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter

var bus = new EventEmitter
var emit = bus.emit.bind(bus)
var state = {
  loading: false,
  counter: undefined
bus.on('plus', function () {
  if (state.loading) return
  state.loading = true
  ws.write(JSON.stringify({ plus: 1 }) + '\n')

var through = require('through2')
var split = require('split2')

var wsock = require('websocket-stream')
var ws = wsock('ws://' +

function write (row, enc, next) {
  state.counter = row.counter
  state.loading = false

var render = require('./render.js').bind(null, emit)
var loop = main(state, render, require('virtual-dom'))

render function

var h = require('virtual-dom/h')

module.exports = function (emit, state) {
  var count = state.counter === undefined ? '...' : state.counter
  return h('div', [
    h('h1' + (state.loading ? '.loading' : ''), 'counter: ' + count),
    h('button', { onclick: onclick }, 'PLUS')
  function onclick () { emit('plus') }


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