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humanmade / wp-flags

Licence: MIT license
Flags: WordPress admin-controlled user-based feature flags

Programming Languages

23972 projects - #3 most used programming language
Lightweight WordPress plugin to enable exposing feature flags to end-users, based on code-based ( or admin UI in the future ) criteria.
A Human Made project. Maintained by @shadyvb.

NOTE: This is a work-in-progress plugin.


Using Composer

  • Require the package in your project

composer require humanmade/wp-flags

Using submodules

  • Add the plugin as a submodule ( adjust the path as necessary )

git submodule add [email protected]:humanmade/wp-flags.git content/plugins/wp-flags


use HumanMade\Flags\Flags;

add_action( 'init', function() {
    Flags::add( 'new-flag', 'New Flag', [
        // Is the flag exposed to users ?
        'available' => function() {
            return current_user_can( 'manage_options' );
        // At what level the flag can be set. One of `user` or `site`
        'scope' => 'user',
        // Default flag status
        'active' => true,
        // Is the flag controllable by users ?
        'optin' => true,
        // Custom icon ? ( dashicon-compatible )
        'icon' => 'dashboard',
        // Custom attribute ?
        'some_custom_meta_key' => 'some_value',
    ] );

    // OR just..
    $flag = Flags::add( 'another-flag', 'Another flag' );
    $flag->on( 'active', function( $active, $flag ) {
        // do something based on active status change
    } );

    // Execute logic based on flag status
    if ( Flags::get( 'new-flag' )->active ) {
    } );
} );

Scope of Setting a Flag

A flag can be set at either the user or site scope, which determines how a flag is controlled. A user-scoped flag can be turned on or off by each user for that user only on a site, whereas a site-scoped flag is turned on or off for every user and is controlled in the site settings.


Written and maintained by Shady Sharaf. Thanks to all our contributors.

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