All Projects → Bytetcc → Similar Projects or Alternatives

620 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Bytetcc

Nacos Sync
Service Sync component
Stars: ✭ 138 (-94.98%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Sample Zuul Filters
Samples of custom Zuul 1 filters for use in Spring Cloud Netflix
Stars: ✭ 201 (-92.69%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Domain Driven Design oriented application framework, meets CRUD needs
Stars: ✭ 160 (-94.18%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Spring Cloud Circuitbreaker
Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker API and Implementations
Stars: ✭ 219 (-92.03%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go!
Stars: ✭ 1,920 (-30.16%)
Mutual labels:  tcc
Dubbo Proxy
Apache dubbo
Stars: ✭ 229 (-91.67%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Tourist Lovers Sns
📍基于Spring Boot和Spring Cloud Alibaba的旅游爱好者社交小程序
Stars: ✭ 155 (-94.36%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Stars: ✭ 197 (-92.83%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Thrift Starter
Set of cool annotations that helps you building Thrift applications with Spring Boot
Stars: ✭ 151 (-94.51%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Springboot Study
Stars: ✭ 215 (-92.18%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Jstarcraft Core
目标是提供一个通用的Java核心编程框架,作为搭建其它框架或者项目的基础. 让相关领域的研发人员能够专注高层设计而不用关注底层实现. 涵盖了缓存,存储,编解码,资源,脚本,监控,通讯,事件,事务9个方面.
Stars: ✭ 150 (-94.54%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Iot Dc3
IOT DC3 is an open source, distributed Internet of Things (IOT) platform based on Spring Cloud. It is used for rapid development of IOT projects and management of IOT devices. It is a set of solutions for IOT system.
Stars: ✭ 195 (-92.91%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Stars: ✭ 149 (-94.58%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Java Microservice
A full microservice project using Spring and many others tools
Stars: ✭ 235 (-91.45%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Microservice Exam
硕果云,基于Spring Cloud搭建的新一代微服务教学管理平台,提供多租户、权限管理、考试、练习等功能,题型支持单选题、多选题、不定项选择题、判断题、简答题,二维码分享,移动端答题等
Stars: ✭ 146 (-94.69%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Micro Server Own
基于SpringCloud 的微服务,订单,支付,商场(活动),工作流,用户,短信,极光
Stars: ✭ 195 (-92.91%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Alibabacloud Microservice Demo
An Alibaba Cloud native microservice demo powered by Apache Dubbo and Spring Cloud Alibaba
Stars: ✭ 145 (-94.73%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Minimal database operation library.
Stars: ✭ 210 (-92.36%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Tropical Fish
Pragmatic 风格的 Java EE 后端开发脚手架,开箱即用。基于 SpringBoot,技术选型采用主流的框架(Mybatis-Plus,Redisson,Xxl-job,Swagger)。项目特点:自定义查询语法, 可以自由组装查询条件查询数据,配合代码生成模块,提高研发效率;自定义 service 方法级别的文档生成规则,在业务方法增加必要的注解,可生成方法调用树,快速把握复杂代码业务逻辑。
Stars: ✭ 142 (-94.83%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Learning Blockchain
Tidy up Blockchain ecosystem and tutorial
Stars: ✭ 188 (-93.16%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Cloud Book
《Spring Cloud 微服务架构进阶》各章节附录源码
Stars: ✭ 142 (-94.83%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
A Python3 SegWit-compliant library which provides tools to handle Bitcoin data structures in a simple fashion.
Stars: ✭ 225 (-91.82%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Mac admin
Helpful scripts & configuration profiles for the Mac admin community
Stars: ✭ 139 (-94.94%)
Mutual labels:  tcc
Token Multisender Dapp smart contract. Airdrop tokens. Batch sending ERC20, ETH, Ethereum tokens. Send thousands of transfers in a few transactions. It can help user to save more tx fee and time than sending one by one
Stars: ✭ 185 (-93.27%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Spring Cloud Vault
Configuration Integration with HashiCorp Vault
Stars: ✭ 210 (-92.36%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Cloud Cli
Spring Cloud CLI features
Stars: ✭ 139 (-94.94%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
基于Spring Cloud,实现微服务中常用的基础模块,包括 OAuth2 认证服务,统一注册中心,系统监控中心, 统一配置中心,API网关以及熔断器
Stars: ✭ 185 (-93.27%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Cloud Yes
基于Spring Cloud的快速开发脚手架&最佳实践总结
Stars: ✭ 138 (-94.98%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Skill6 Website Backend
java进阶开发,高级版web项目。基于dubbo实现分布式微服务架构,基于spring boot、spring mvc、mybatis、docker、ELK、redis、vue.js、node.js等技术实现的技术分享交流网站。网站名称:技术流,英文名:skill6。主要功能有:登录注册、单点登录、restful设计、文章及评论、代码及资源下载、主题讨论等。持续更新中...
Stars: ✭ 140 (-94.91%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Microservices Platform
Stars: ✭ 3,274 (+19.1%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Java Apollo
Stars: ✭ 140 (-94.91%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Go实现的高性能Spring Cloud网关(支持Consul和Eureka), 路由配置热更新、负载均衡、灰度、服务粒度的流量控制、服务粒度的流量统计
Stars: ✭ 186 (-93.23%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
E3 Springboot
Stars: ✭ 139 (-94.94%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
ByteJTA is a distributed transaction manager based on the XA/2PC mechanism. It’s compatible with the JTA specification. User guide:
Stars: ✭ 208 (-92.43%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Nice Knowledge System
📚不积跬步无以至千里,每天进步一点点,Passion,Self-regulation,Love and Share
Stars: ✭ 137 (-95.02%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Stars: ✭ 183 (-93.34%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Grpc Spring Boot Starter
Spring Boot starter module for gRPC framework.
Stars: ✭ 1,829 (-33.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Wotrd Cloud
Stars: ✭ 135 (-95.09%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Stars: ✭ 222 (-91.92%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Spring Cloud 学习教程
Stars: ✭ 208 (-92.43%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Cloud作为第二代微服务的代表性框架,已经在国内众多大中小型的公司有实际应用案例。许多公司的业务线全部拥抱Spring Cloud,部分公司选择部分拥抱Spring Cloud。此示例基于Spring Boot 1.5.x编写,展示了Spring Cloud的核心组件的基本使用方式,在学习Spring Cloud时可以参考本示例。
Stars: ✭ 183 (-93.34%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Cloud Config
External configuration (server and client) for Spring Cloud
Stars: ✭ 1,740 (-36.7%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Jiiiiiin Security
Stars: ✭ 132 (-95.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
An e-voting system based on blockchain using ring signature
Stars: ✭ 182 (-93.38%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Spring Cloud Gateway Plugin
Spring Cloud Gateway Extra Plugin
Stars: ✭ 132 (-95.2%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Cloud Demo
Spring Cloud的基础教程,由浅入深,一步一步学习Spring Cloud,最后学到的不单单是基础!Spring Boot基础教程请看:
Stars: ✭ 208 (-92.43%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Boot Sample
Spring-boot 集成druid数据库连接池,Spring-boot实现druid的动态数据源,Spring-boot实现定时任务schedule,spring-boot集成mybatis
Stars: ✭ 180 (-93.45%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Gatling Dubbo
A gatling plugin for running load tests on Apache Dubbo( and other java ecosystem.
Stars: ✭ 131 (-95.23%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
WK系列开发框架-V1至V5 Java开源企业级开发框架(单应用/微服务/分布式)
Stars: ✭ 1,629 (-40.74%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Universal transaction manager
Stars: ✭ 178 (-93.52%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Spring Cloud
Stars: ✭ 130 (-95.27%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Spring Boot Quick
🌿 基于springboot的快速学习示例,整合自己遇到的开源框架,如:rabbitmq(延迟队列)、Kafka、jpa、redies、oauth2、swagger、jsp、docker、spring-batch、异常处理、日志输出、多模块开发、多环境打包、缓存cache、爬虫、jwt、GraphQL、dubbo、zookeeper和Async等等📌
Stars: ✭ 1,819 (-33.83%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Stormpath Sdk Java
Official Java SDK for the Stormpath User Management REST API
Stars: ✭ 221 (-91.96%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Paascloud Login Web
模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,使用 spring cloud + vue 全家桶实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目
Stars: ✭ 207 (-92.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
Dubbo Spring Boot Starter
Dubbo Spring Boot Starter
Stars: ✭ 2,102 (-23.54%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Dubbo Go Pixiu
Based on the proxy gateway service of dubbo-go, it solves the problem that the external protocol calls the internal Dubbo cluster. At present, it supports HTTP and gRPC[developing].
Stars: ✭ 124 (-95.49%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Multi-gateway payment processing library for java
Stars: ✭ 125 (-95.45%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Dubbo Rpc Jsonrpc
The Json rpc module of Apache Dubbo project
Stars: ✭ 177 (-93.56%)
Mutual labels:  dubbo
Redis Game Transaction
在大型游戏中经常使用分布式,分布式中因为游戏逻辑会经常游戏事务,借助redis特性我们可以实现分布式锁和分布式事务。很多redis集群不支持redis的事务特性。 这个框架用来解决分布式服务器下redis集群事务失效的情况下,基于分布式锁完成分布式事务。支持独占锁,共享锁,读写锁,并且支持事务提交失败情况下的回滚操作,让开发者可以有更多时间侧重游戏逻辑.
Stars: ✭ 124 (-95.49%)
Mutual labels:  transaction
Sample Spring Microservices Kubernetes
sample spring boot application that uses some features provided by spring cloud kubernetes, spring cloud ribbon and zuul proxy deployed on Kubernetes
Stars: ✭ 123 (-95.53%)
Mutual labels:  spring-cloud
61-120 of 620 similar projects