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479 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Githubapp

Android AUR [Arch Linux user Repository] packages browser
Stars: ✭ 88 (-29.03%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
🐔🏀一个Jetpack结合MVVM的快速开发框架,基于MVVM模式集成谷歌官方推荐的JetPack组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycle、Navigation组件 使用Kotlin语言,添加大量拓展函数,简化代码 加入Retrofit网络请求,协程,帮你简化各种操作,让你快速开发项目
Stars: ✭ 1,100 (+787.1%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Lazywaimai Android
Stars: ✭ 623 (+402.42%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Bilibili Android Client
An unofficial bilibili client for android -- 该项目已停止维护!
Stars: ✭ 4,430 (+3472.58%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Simple Android app to show how unit testing with MockWebServer and Architecture Components (ViewModel + LiveData)
Stars: ✭ 55 (-55.65%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🔥 MDPlayer,Android万能播放器,支持视频大小窗口无缝切换,基于ijklayer+MVP+RxJava+Retrofit+Material Design开发。
Stars: ✭ 463 (+273.39%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Super cool android library to manage database caching and networking with ease.
Stars: ✭ 86 (-30.65%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🚀 These are android sample projects which are written in Kotlin. It covers video streaming, mp3 player, sqlite, location services, custom camera, o-notifications, simple compass etc.
Stars: ✭ 447 (+260.48%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Demo project on How to be a Mockstar using Mockito and MockWebServer.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-57.26%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
An unofficial bilibili client for android --rxjava2+mvp+okhttp3+retrofit2+dagger2
Stars: ✭ 430 (+246.77%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🚀(Kotlin 版 )快速搭建 Kotlin + MVP + RxJava + Retrofit + EventBus 的框架,方便快速开发新项目、减少开发成本。
Stars: ✭ 103 (-16.94%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Food Ordering App Like Swiggy Uber Eats Mvvm And Room Database
Food ordering app using MVVM architecture patterns, Architecture Lifecycle components and Room database.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-57.26%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 414 (+233.87%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
An aggregated newspaper app containing news from 10+ local news publishers in Hong Kong. Made with ❤
Stars: ✭ 82 (-33.87%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
A library build on top of retrofit, for simple handling of authenticated requests
Stars: ✭ 405 (+226.61%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
一个基于Android MVP的简单明了的指引性通用架构,目的是帮助更多的开发者去全面了解实践开发相关的各种技术,快速搭建属于自已的APP。这个项目涉及到如下技术的实际应用:1、MVP 2、网络请求(Novate基于rxjava,okhttp,retrofit封装架构)3、DbFlow(可保存文件入SD卡) 4、6.0权限申请 5、XRecyclerView 6、万能Adapter7、异常处理 8、日志打印 9、屏幕适配 10、代码混淆 11、多渠道打包 12、内存泄露检测 13、热修复 14、升级更新 15、极光推送 工程更新完善中……欢迎关注 @特别感谢ZJ.Y的Logo支持。
Stars: ✭ 49 (-60.48%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
A safety client by Https for android, (Android网络框架,基于Retrofit和RxJava打造的链式网络库, 支持okhttp的调用风格,又兼容Retrofit API,并支持rxJava链式操作)
Stars: ✭ 1,442 (+1062.9%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Stars: ✭ 378 (+204.84%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Graphql Retrofit Converter
A Retrofit 2 Converter.Factory for GraphQL.
Stars: ✭ 46 (-62.9%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🥪 A lightweight and standardized Android network response interface for handling successful data and error responses.
Stars: ✭ 370 (+198.39%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Manage retrofit call's lifecycle with proxy class which generated by annotation
Stars: ✭ 81 (-34.68%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
📚A pure reading App based on Material Design + MVP + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Realm + Glide
Stars: ✭ 3,496 (+2719.35%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Mvvm Kotlin Android Architecture
MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit5
Stars: ✭ 1,014 (+717.74%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Rx Mvp
RxJava2+Retrofit2+RxLifecycle2+OkHttp3 封装RHttp 使用MVP模式构建项目
Stars: ✭ 343 (+176.61%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Basemvp Master
Stars: ✭ 101 (-18.55%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
News Sample App
A sample news app which demonstrates clean architecture and best practices for developing android app
Stars: ✭ 334 (+169.35%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2 Api API wrapped into a bunch of classes. Built with OkHttp, Retrofit2, RxJava2.
Stars: ✭ 41 (-66.94%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
一个基于 Material Design 风格设计的图书展示类App,豆瓣图书,在线电子书。
Stars: ✭ 331 (+166.94%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Stars: ✭ 80 (-35.48%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Open Api Android App
Kotlin, MVI Architecture, Dagger2, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Room Persistence, REST API, Token Authentication
Stars: ✭ 324 (+161.29%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Retrofit Recyclervew
An implementation of a RecyclerView using Retrofit and Glide to create a movie list
Stars: ✭ 40 (-67.74%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Clean Android Code
MVP + Dagger 2 + RxJava + Retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 311 (+150.81%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Mentorship Android
Mentorship System is an application that matches women in tech to mentor each other, on career development, through 1:1 relations during a certain period of time. This is the Android application of this project.
Stars: ✭ 117 (-5.65%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
[开源项目] 一款程序员日常放松的App,基于Material Design + MVP-Clean + Weex + Flutter + RxJava2 + Retrofit + Dagger2 + Glide + Okhttp + MTRVA + BRVAH + 炫酷控件 + 炫酷动画
Stars: ✭ 294 (+137.1%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 38 (-69.35%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 3,021 (+2336.29%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🔥项目采用 Kotlin 语言,基于 MVP + RxJava + Retrofit + Glide + EventBus 等架构设计,努力打造一款优秀的 [玩Android] 客户端
Stars: ✭ 1,223 (+886.29%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
TvFlix android app using Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, KTX, Jetpack(Room, ViewModel, Paging3, Lifecycle) based on MVVM architecture purely written in Kotlin
Stars: ✭ 286 (+130.65%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Heyyoo is a sample social media Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Components).
Stars: ✭ 38 (-69.35%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Kotlin Android Mvvm Starter
Android Kotlin Starter is a starter project which implements MVVM Pattern.
Stars: ✭ 276 (+122.58%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🐈 RxJava+Retrofit+Okhttp+Glide + A life tool App, contains modules: news; jokes; constellation fortune; LED; weather; calendar; two-dimensional code, and more ... 小秋魔盒是一个生活工具 App,主要功能有:新闻资讯;微信精选美文;笑话趣图;星座运势;LED字幕;天气;日历;二维码;手电筒;老黄历。在开发中尽可能多的用了目前比较流行的框架和库。
Stars: ✭ 1,360 (+996.77%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Mvp Dagger2 Rxjava2
Android 基本mvp+dagger(框架。简单组件化架构 with Base Activity,Presenter ,View,Model 的抽象封装,http 请求封装&错误统一处理
Stars: ✭ 274 (+120.97%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Android App Template
Kickstart your new project with Android App Template (Kotlin + MVVM + AAC + Dagger 2 + Retrofit 2 + RxJava)
Stars: ✭ 34 (-72.58%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
Stars: ✭ 272 (+119.35%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
Stars: ✭ 78 (-37.1%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Okhttp Rxhttp
🔥🔥🔥 Based on OkHttp encapsulation, support Kotlin Coroutines、RxJava2、RxJava3; 30s to get started.
Stars: ✭ 3,170 (+2456.45%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
一个完整基于kotlin的安卓开发框架,采用了mvvm设计模式。涵盖了: 1、基于retrofit2封装的通过kotlin协程实现的网络框架 2、基于阿里开源router修改的api-router实现项目模块化 3、基于glide的图片加载缓存框架 4、基于room实现的往来数据缓存加载 5、基于step实现的数据异步提交 6、基于PreferenceHolder实现的本地数据快速存储 7、基于mlist实现的简单复杂列表的快速开发扩展 8、定制的toolbar可以自适应异形屏,挖孔屏,水滴屏等等。。 本框架几乎涵盖了开发所需的所有模块组件。简单fork之后就可以基于框架快速开发。
Stars: ✭ 33 (-73.39%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
🔥🔥 Kotlin Jetpack zero to hero. 新手到高手
Stars: ✭ 264 (+112.9%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
️🔥️🔥️🔥AACHulk是以Google的ViewModel+DataBinding+LiveData+Lifecycles框架为基础, 结合Okhttp+Retrofit+BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper+SmartRefreshLayout+ARouter打造的一款快速MVVM开发框架
Stars: ✭ 109 (-12.1%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Clean Notes
Clean Architecture by layer
Stars: ✭ 259 (+108.87%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Awesome Third Library Source Analysis
📖 Deep understanding of popular open source library source code (optimizing...)
Stars: ✭ 866 (+598.39%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
T Mvp
Android AOP Architecture by Apt, AspectJ, Javassisit, based on Realm+Databinding+MVP+Retrofit+Rxjava2
Stars: ✭ 2,740 (+2109.68%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Android Mvvm Rx3 Dagger2 Navcomponent
Implemented using MVVM, LiveData, Room, RX3, Dagger2, Coil, View Binding, Navigation Component and AndroidX
Stars: ✭ 72 (-41.94%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
An example Android app using Retrofit, Realm, Parceler, Dagger and the MVVM pattern with the data binding lib.
Stars: ✭ 616 (+396.77%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
S Mvp
🔥🔥优化版MVP,使用注解泛型简化代码编写,使用模块化协议方便维护,APT过程使用注解解析器利用JavaPoet🌝完成重复模块的编写,利用ASpect+GradlePlugin 完成横向AOP编程+Javassist动态字节码注入+Tinker实现热修复+Retrofit实现优雅网络操作+RxJava轻松玩转数据处理
Stars: ✭ 1,095 (+783.06%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
【暂停更新】Try to build a client for kotlin.
Stars: ✭ 616 (+396.77%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
Android 快速开发库,主要想实现一条属于自己的开发框架。包括网络访问,数据,UI等等
Stars: ✭ 577 (+365.32%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
AndroCat is a GitHub client for Android phones and provides to user GitHub user interface like how they used to.
Stars: ✭ 87 (-29.84%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit
Better YouTube experience on Android TV
Stars: ✭ 1,064 (+758.06%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
Stars: ✭ 543 (+337.9%)
Mutual labels:  retrofit2
121-180 of 479 similar projects