AndroidIRCCloud Android App
Stars: ✭ 244 (+0.41%)
Chatsecure IosChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
Stars: ✭ 3,044 (+1152.67%)
WsprogresshudThis is a beauful hud view for iPhone & iPad
Stars: ✭ 588 (+141.98%)
Mojo Weixin使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的个人账号微信/weixin/wechat客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
Stars: ✭ 1,181 (+386.01%)
JotifySticky notes reimagined - written in Swift
Stars: ✭ 79 (-67.49%)
Hls VodHTTP Live Streaming with on-the-fly encoding of any video file for Web/Apple TV/iPhone/iPad/iPod
Stars: ✭ 221 (-9.05%)
HackersHackers is an elegant iOS app for reading Hacker News written in Swift.
Stars: ✭ 513 (+111.11%)
NumericaltextentryAn iOS library for beautiful number entry fields. iPad friendly. Written in Swift.
Stars: ✭ 16 (-93.42%)
AppleapnpushSend push notification to Apple Devices (iPhone, iPad)
Stars: ✭ 134 (-44.86%)
Whapp Ircwhatsapp web <-> irc gateway
Stars: ✭ 208 (-14.4%)
IosOwnTracks' iPhone App
Stars: ✭ 222 (-8.64%)
ShortcutsdirectoryA collection of user-submitted shortcuts for Shortcuts for iOS.
Stars: ✭ 376 (+54.73%)
BitlbeeAn IRC to other chat networks gateway 🐝
Stars: ✭ 513 (+111.11%)
Linphone IphoneLinphone is a free VoIP and video softphone based on the SIP protocol. Mirror of linphone-iphone (git://
Stars: ✭ 462 (+90.12%)
Convos Convos 👥 is the simplest way to use IRC in your browser
Stars: ✭ 789 (+224.69%)
Chat Sdk IosChat SDK iOS - Open Source Mobile Messenger
Stars: ✭ 813 (+234.57%)
DispatchWeb-based IRC client in Go.
Stars: ✭ 595 (+144.86%)
Twitch4jModular Async/Sync/Reactive Twitch API Client / IRC Client
Stars: ✭ 209 (-13.99%)
A2hs.js📲 A useful modern JavaScript solution that helps your website users to add (install) a progressive web application (PWA) to the Home Screen of their mobile iOS devices.
Stars: ✭ 113 (-53.5%)
Mojo Webqq【重要通知:WebQQ将在2019年1月1日停止服务,此项目目前已停止维护,感谢大家四年来的一路陪伴】使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的smartqq/webqq客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用
Stars: ✭ 1,755 (+622.22%)
IoctocatiOctocat v1 - GitHub for iOS (works on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch)
Stars: ✭ 1,665 (+585.19%)
Stars: ✭ 183 (-24.69%)
Mcpicker IosMcPicker is a customizable, closure driven UIPickerView drop-in solution with animations that is rotation ready.
Stars: ✭ 186 (-23.46%)
Xhlaunchad🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad. 【 Github下载不了/下载慢 可以访问国内下载地址:】
Stars: ✭ 3,578 (+1372.43%)
JitsiJitsi is an audio/video and chat communicator that supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP/Jabber, IRC and many other useful features.
Stars: ✭ 3,531 (+1353.09%)
Ipa ServerUpload and install IPA in web.
Stars: ✭ 392 (+61.32%)
Revolution IrcA modern Android IRC client. #revolutionirc on Freenode.
Stars: ✭ 325 (+33.74%)
Kiwiirc🥝 Next generation of the Kiwi IRC web client
Stars: ✭ 488 (+100.82%)
Thelounge💬 Modern, responsive, cross-platform, self-hosted web IRC client
Stars: ✭ 4,618 (+1800.41%)
AssistantkitEasy way to detect iOS device properties, OS versions and work with screen sizes. Powered by Swift.
Stars: ✭ 569 (+134.16%)
BlockpartyAd Blocker App for iOS, macOS
Stars: ✭ 722 (+197.12%)
AlsystemutilitiesTHIS REPO IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED! Check This library provides a list of 80 methods to get every kind of system information!
Stars: ✭ 644 (+165.02%)
OtganttchartkitOTGanttChartKit is gantt chart framework for iOS. This framework use easily like UITableView.
Stars: ✭ 38 (-84.36%)
Superseriousstatssuperseriousstats is a fast and efficient program to create statistics out of various types of chat logs
Stars: ✭ 78 (-67.9%)
BleariOS app that transforms your photos into stunning blurry wallpapers for your device
Stars: ✭ 311 (+27.98%)
Canijailbreak.coma website which tells you whether you can jailbreak your iOS device.
Stars: ✭ 112 (-53.91%)
DeviceLight weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
Stars: ✭ 1,503 (+518.52%)
IosTinodios: Tinode Messaging Client for iOS
Stars: ✭ 119 (-51.03%)
ColorifyColorify - simple, yet powerful color library.
Stars: ✭ 106 (-56.38%)
UnwrapLearn Swift interactively on your iPhone.
Stars: ✭ 1,992 (+719.75%)
InappviewdebuggerA UIView debugger (like Reveal or Xcode) that can be embedded in an app for on-device view debugging
Stars: ✭ 1,805 (+642.8%)
FilesystemFileSystem is an application that allows you to browse the content of your iPhone disk, displaying file and folders, files contents, and detailed informations about file and folder permissions.
Stars: ✭ 148 (-39.09%)
DatepickerA Date Picker with Calendar for iPhone and iPad Apps.
Stars: ✭ 103 (-57.61%)
TcA desktop chat client for Twitch
Stars: ✭ 182 (-25.1%)
Lisp ChatAn experimental minimal chat written in Common Lisp
Stars: ✭ 160 (-34.16%)
WeechatThe extensible chat client.
Stars: ✭ 2,349 (+866.67%)
ClendarClendar - universal calendar app. Written in SwiftUI. Available on App Store
Stars: ✭ 153 (-37.04%)
StpopuppreviewAn alternative peek preview for non 3D Touch devices. Inspired by Instagram.
Stars: ✭ 202 (-16.87%)
YampaFunctional Reactive Programming domain-specific language embedded in Haskell, for programming efficient hybrid (mixed discrete-time and continuous-time) systems.
Stars: ✭ 294 (+20.99%)
Knphotobrowser📷 图片 || 视频 浏览器(本地和网络) , UIViewController + CollectionView , 完美适配 iPhone 以及 iPad ,屏幕旋转功能 , 适配SDWebImage 5.0
Stars: ✭ 296 (+21.81%)
LaxIRC client built with Electron & React
Stars: ✭ 95 (-60.91%)
PulleyA library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
Stars: ✭ 1,928 (+693.42%)