All Projects → Juzimi → Similar Projects or Alternatives

838 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Juzimi

Moviefinderusingmvvm Android
🔥 MVVM + Clean Architecture + Best Practices | 🍿Movie Finder is a sample Android application 📱to search movies using OMDb API which is built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Kodein, Architecture Components, MVVM, Retrofit, Gson, Material Components) 😊😊😉
Stars: ✭ 66 (-57.69%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Rx Mvp
RxJava2+Retrofit2+RxLifecycle2+OkHttp3 封装RHttp 使用MVP模式构建项目
Stars: ✭ 343 (+119.87%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Wordpress App With Flutter
Fully Functional IOS/Android App for WordPress Website with Flutter
Stars: ✭ 109 (-30.13%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Collect and classify Android resources
Stars: ✭ 341 (+118.59%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android tmdb clean architecture
Showcase of clean architecture concepts along with Continuous Integration and Development for modular Android applications. Includes test suits (functional and unit tests) along with code coverage.
Stars: ✭ 63 (-59.62%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
🔥 基于Kotlin+MVP+Retrofit+RxJava+Glide 等架构实现短视频类小项目,简约风格及详细注释,欢迎 star or fork!
Stars: ✭ 3,488 (+2135.9%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Moxy is MVP library for Android
Stars: ✭ 1,611 (+932.69%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Laravel Glide
Easily convert images with Glide
Stars: ✭ 333 (+113.46%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Gas Oil Mixture Mobile
Mobile app for calculation of gasoline/oil ratio for 2 stroke engines built with React Native.
Stars: ✭ 61 (-60.9%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Dynamics 365 Workflow Tools
Dynamics 365 Workflow Tools is a Community solution that expands Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) Workflow features with lots of new posibilities. This helps you to build very advanced Codeless solutions in CRM.
Stars: ✭ 331 (+112.18%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Stars: ✭ 108 (-30.77%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Magicprint Ecommerce App Android
E-Commerce App Source Code for Android with Material Design Pattern Using Firebase and MySQL with Android Lottie Animations just like Flipkart, Myntra and Amazon :)
Stars: ✭ 331 (+112.18%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
React Native Spaceviewer
See and search upcoming and previous rocket space launches! Built with React Native, using Detox E2E tests, Fastlane and Github Actions for app store deployment.
Stars: ✭ 61 (-60.9%)
Mutual labels:  glide
📊 A Minimal Expense Tracker App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture
Stars: ✭ 325 (+108.33%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android Video Listing Mvp
Android video listing with swipe view tabs based on mvp design pattern with complete functionalities like search and sort
Stars: ✭ 151 (-3.21%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
A simple library to use a menu of FloatingActionButtons from Design Support Library that follow Material Design Guidelines
Stars: ✭ 324 (+107.69%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Flutter gank
Flutter版 干货集中营
Stars: ✭ 60 (-61.54%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android multi-media selector based on MVP mode.
Stars: ✭ 3,216 (+1961.54%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Pi Hole Droid
Pi-hole Droid is an unofficial app that connects to your Pi-hole to show charts and statistics.
Stars: ✭ 107 (-31.41%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Clean Android Code
MVP + Dagger 2 + RxJava + Retrofit2
Stars: ✭ 311 (+99.36%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
An alternative mobile client for the Untis timetable system.
Stars: ✭ 59 (-62.18%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
整合多个软件外包平台项目信息,替你筛选优质项目。MVP + RxJava + Retrofit + Material Design
Stars: ✭ 306 (+96.15%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
前任作者NekoInverter在gitlab重新更新EhViewer了,我不再独立维护项目,本项目暂时封存。 请前往 获取最新版本。
Stars: ✭ 127 (-18.59%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
A music player for Android focused on simplicity, performance, and design
Stars: ✭ 300 (+92.31%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Extracts Youtube urls for streaming and downloading purpose.
Stars: ✭ 58 (-62.82%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
The holy quran app
Holy Qur'an Application. Developed using Flutter
Stars: ✭ 283 (+81.41%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Youqu master
Stars: ✭ 107 (-31.41%)
Mutual labels:  glide
rclone explorer for Android
Stars: ✭ 289 (+85.26%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Open Source Flutter Apps
📱 List of open source Flutter applications
Stars: ✭ 1,086 (+596.15%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
Stars: ✭ 3,143 (+1914.74%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android Mvp Basic Sample
Android MVP Basic Sample
Stars: ✭ 140 (-10.26%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Pixel Launcher for everyone!
Stars: ✭ 279 (+78.85%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
🚚 Espresso is an express delivery tracking app designed with Material Design style, built on MVP(Model-View-Presenter) architecture with RxJava2, Retrofit2, Realm database and ZXing
Stars: ✭ 1,084 (+594.87%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
En este repo encontraras multiples ejemplos de animaciones con #MotionLayout
Stars: ✭ 271 (+73.72%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Composable Images
The Composable Images is a library providing Jetpack Compose wrapper for Glide, Picasso, and Coil.
Stars: ✭ 107 (-31.41%)
Mutual labels:  glide
A demo project based on MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
Stars: ✭ 272 (+74.36%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android 自定义 View 之 LeavesLoading
Stars: ✭ 55 (-64.74%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android App for the InterPlanetary File System(IPFS)
Stars: ✭ 268 (+71.79%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android app to share business cards with people nearby
Stars: ✭ 127 (-18.59%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Stars: ✭ 265 (+69.87%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Android Toy
不积跬步 无以至千里
Stars: ✭ 54 (-65.38%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Android Mvp Sample Application
Android MVP Sample Application
Stars: ✭ 260 (+66.67%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Mvvm Reddit
A companion project for our blog post on better Android software development using MVVM with RxJava.
Stars: ✭ 106 (-32.05%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Kotlin Modular Tdd Coroutines Mvvm
A sample Kotlin app which was built with modular structure, Kotlin DSL, Kotlin Coroutines, TDD and MVVM patterns.
Stars: ✭ 256 (+64.1%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Kotlin Android Scaffolding
An android project structure using kotlin and most common libraries.
Stars: ✭ 53 (-66.03%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
A simple app for viewing logs on an android device.
Stars: ✭ 253 (+62.18%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Stars: ✭ 143 (-8.33%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Gank unofficial client - RxJava2、Retrofit2 & MVP技术干货
Stars: ✭ 256 (+64.1%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Phonenumberverificationui Android
Check out the new style for mobile number verification 😉😉😊😊
Stars: ✭ 52 (-66.67%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android Carbon Forum
Android Client for Carbon Forum with Material Design.
Stars: ✭ 254 (+62.82%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Android Kotlin Mvp Clean Architecture
Clean architecture blueprint using Kotlin and MVP pattern.
Stars: ✭ 105 (-32.69%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
A small app that displays Android Police articles without waiting for the website to load.
Stars: ✭ 12 (-92.31%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
A cloud solution to your favorite emoticons on Android
Stars: ✭ 99 (-36.54%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Budget Tracker Ui
Budget Tracker UI
Stars: ✭ 12 (-92.31%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
Awesome Third Library Source Analysis
📖 Deep understanding of popular open source library source code (optimizing...)
Stars: ✭ 866 (+455.13%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Rich UI and animation flutter app backed by firebase
Stars: ✭ 121 (-22.44%)
Mutual labels:  android-app
Glide Transformations
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
Stars: ✭ 9,540 (+6015.38%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Kotlin Life
App界的一股清流 音视频vr应有尽有 完全按照Material design规范设计的App (written with java and Kotlin)
Stars: ✭ 864 (+453.85%)
Mutual labels:  glide
Kotlinsample Mvp
Sample Kotlin project with MVP implementation
Stars: ✭ 11 (-92.95%)
Mutual labels:  mvp
🐈 RxJava+Retrofit+Okhttp+Glide + A life tool App, contains modules: news; jokes; constellation fortune; LED; weather; calendar; two-dimensional code, and more ... 小秋魔盒是一个生活工具 App,主要功能有:新闻资讯;微信精选美文;笑话趣图;星座运势;LED字幕;天气;日历;二维码;手电筒;老黄历。在开发中尽可能多的用了目前比较流行的框架和库。
Stars: ✭ 1,360 (+771.79%)
Mutual labels:  glide
361-420 of 838 similar projects