All Projects → Trackr Backend → Similar Projects or Alternatives

733 Open source projects that are alternatives of or similar to Trackr Backend

Ibase4j Springboot
Spring,SpringBoot,SpringMVC,Mybatis,mybatis-plus,motan/dubbo分布式,Redis缓存,Shiro权限管理,Spring-Session单点登录,Quartz分布式集群调度,Restful服务,QQ/微信登录,App token登录,微信/支付宝支付;日期转换、数据类型转换、序列化、汉字转拼音、身份证号码验证、数字转人民币、发送短信、发送邮件、加密解密、图片处理、excel导入导出、FTP/SFTP/fastDFS上传下载、二维码、XML读写、高精度计算、系统配置工具类等等。
Stars: ✭ 348 (+75.76%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
A simple blogging system implemented with Spring Boot + Hibernate + MySQL + Bootstrap4.
Stars: ✭ 1,598 (+707.07%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Java server
Stars: ✭ 341 (+72.22%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 72 (-63.64%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Microservices Series
Code for SpringBoot MicroServices Blog Series
Stars: ✭ 338 (+70.71%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Graphql Java Spring Boot Example
Sample GraphQL server implemented with graphql-java and Spring Boot
Stars: ✭ 155 (-21.72%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
System Series
📚 服务端开发实践与工程架构,服务端基础篇 | 微服务与云原生篇 | Spring 篇 | Node.js 篇 | DevOps 篇 | 信息安全与渗透测试篇
Stars: ✭ 336 (+69.7%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Web Development Interview With Java
Java 开发相关技术栈(大中厂)高频面试问题收录。
Stars: ✭ 69 (-65.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Demo
spring boot demo 是一个Spring Boot、Spring Cloud的项目示例,根据市场主流的后端技术,共集成了30+个demo,未来将持续更新。该项目包含helloworld(快速入门)、web(ssh项目快速搭建)、aop(切面编程)、data-redis(redis缓存)、quartz(集群任务实现)、shiro(权限管理)、oauth2(四种认证模式)、shign(接口参数防篡改重放)、encoder(用户密码设计)、actuator(服务监控)、cloud-config(配置中心)、cloud-gateway(服务网关)等模块
Stars: ✭ 323 (+63.13%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Uexam Mysql
Stars: ✭ 124 (-37.37%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Novel Cloud
小说精品屋-微服务版是基于小说精品屋-plus构建的Spring Cloud 微服务技术栈学习型小说项目,致力于原创文学阅读与写作,提供了爬虫工具用于开发过程中测试数据的采集。采用了时下流行的Spring Boot 2 、Spring Cloud Hoxton、 MyBatis3DynamicSql、Sharding-Jdbc、Redis、RabbitMq、Elasticsearch、Docker等流行技术,集成了Nacos注册中心/配置中心、Spring Cloud Gateway网关、Spring Boot Admin监控中心、ELK分布式日志分析等基础服务。前端计划使用Vue开发。
Stars: ✭ 329 (+66.16%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
SpringBoot + Mybatis + thymeleaf 搭建的个人博客
Stars: ✭ 1,156 (+483.84%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 327 (+65.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Springboot Restful Starter
SpringBoot RESTful API 脚手架
Stars: ✭ 176 (-11.11%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Admin Spring Boot Locally
Stars: ✭ 325 (+64.14%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Vue Sample
Stars: ✭ 69 (-65.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
☀️ Read and Write Excel file using Java and Apache POI
Stars: ✭ 321 (+62.12%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Kotlin DSL для разработки Telegram ботов
Stars: ✭ 122 (-38.38%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Dis Seckill
Stars: ✭ 315 (+59.09%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Building Api Backend
Code of the 'Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot' book
Stars: ✭ 69 (-65.15%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Hope Boot
🌱 Hope-Boot 一款现代化的脚手架项目
Stars: ✭ 3,241 (+1536.87%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Bird Java
bird-java是以Spring Boot为基础的开发增强组件包。
Stars: ✭ 154 (-22.22%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Guns基于SpringBoot 2,致力于做更简洁的后台管理系统,完美整合springmvc + shiro + mybatis-plus + beetl!Guns项目代码简洁,注释丰富,上手容易,同时Guns包含许多基础模块(用户管理,角色管理,部门管理,字典管理等10个模块),可以直接作为一个后台管理系统的脚手架!
Stars: ✭ 3,327 (+1580.3%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Springboot security restful api
SpringBoot + SpringSecurity + RESTful API --- Maven Project Demo
Stars: ✭ 68 (-65.66%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 309 (+56.06%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Blog
Simple blog web app made using Spring Boot + Thymeleaf
Stars: ✭ 121 (-38.89%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Druid Spring Boot
Spring Boot Starter for Druid.
Stars: ✭ 305 (+54.04%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Kotlin Spring Boot Jpa Rest Api Demo
Build a Restful API with Kotlin, Spring Boot, Mysql, Jpa and Hibernate
Stars: ✭ 67 (-66.16%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Springboot Analysis
🍃 something about springboot
Stars: ✭ 301 (+52.02%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Embedded Database Spring Test
A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.
Stars: ✭ 196 (-1.01%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot File Upload Download Rest Api Example
Spring Boot File Upload / Download Rest API Example
Stars: ✭ 300 (+51.52%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Microservices Example
Example of a microservices architecture on the modern stack of Java technologies
Stars: ✭ 66 (-66.67%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
JoinFaces: JSF Spring Boot Starters - JSF inside Spring Boot Application
Stars: ✭ 295 (+48.99%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Securing Rest Api Spring Security
Spring Boot 2.2.x + Spring 5.2.x Rest Api Security Example
Stars: ✭ 117 (-40.91%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Java course materials
Stars: ✭ 293 (+47.98%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Intellij Spring Assistant
Spring Assistant - IntelliJ plugin that assists you in developing spring applications
Stars: ✭ 64 (-67.68%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot Spring Security Jwt Authentication
Spring Boot + Security: Token Based Authentication example with JWT, Authorization, Spring Data & MySQL
Stars: ✭ 292 (+47.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Jwt Security Example
Spring Boot with Spring Security using JWT
Stars: ✭ 154 (-22.22%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 290 (+46.46%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
基于Netty4开发的简单、轻量级、高性能的的Http restful api server
Stars: ✭ 65 (-67.17%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 289 (+45.96%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 120 (-39.39%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
微服务一站式解决方案,提供:架构指南、容器优先/兼容Spring Cloud与Service Mesh的框架、最佳实践及Devops标准化流程。
Stars: ✭ 285 (+43.94%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Wechat Open Sdk
java版微信工具,更为优雅的第三方开发常用工具包,让开发微信登录,三方支付就像填表格一样简单。重构成spring boot starter,项目结构和代码也做了优化。主要用了泛型和抽象类进行重构(正在重构中...只剩支付宝支付)
Stars: ✭ 64 (-67.68%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Cola Cloud
Cola Cloud 基于 Spring Boot, Spring Cloud 构建微服务架构企业级开发平台,集成OAuth2认证、集成短信验证码登录、微信小程序登录、FlyWay数据库版本管理、网关集成Swagger聚合所有服务API文档。基于SpringBootAdmin集成Hystrix、Turbine监控。开发用户中心、权限管理、组织架构、数据字典、消息中心、通知中心等模块。基于MyBatisPlus Generator 开发代码生成器
Stars: ✭ 285 (+43.94%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Cloud Tutorial
Spring Cloud Tutorial.《Spring Cloud 教程》
Stars: ✭ 173 (-12.63%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring 5 Book
Spring 5 Samples(Spring 5 案例大全/《Spring 5 开发大全》示例源码) covers Spring 5, Spring MVC, Spring WebFlux, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
Stars: ✭ 283 (+42.93%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Springwolf Core
Automated documentation for async APIs built with Spring Boot
Stars: ✭ 63 (-68.18%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Camunda Bpm Spring Boot Starter
Camunda BPM bootified!
Stars: ✭ 278 (+40.4%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
White Jotter
白卷是一款使用 Vue+Spring Boot 开发的前后端分离项目,附带全套开发教程。(A simple CMS developed by Spring Boot and Vue.js with development tutorials)
Stars: ✭ 1,838 (+828.28%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Zookeeper Console
A zookeeper visual web application based on SpringBoot、Curator and Bootstrap
Stars: ✭ 63 (-68.18%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Awesome Spring Boot
springboot 各种资料整理(demo、教程、网站、starter文档等),持续更新,欢迎pr。
Stars: ✭ 198 (+0%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Stars: ✭ 197 (-0.51%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Event Driven Spring Boot
Example Application to demo various flavours of handling domain events in Spring Boot
Stars: ✭ 194 (-2.02%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Awesome Spring
A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.
Stars: ✭ 186 (-6.06%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Febs Vue
SpringBoot,Shiro,JWT,Vue & Ant Design 前后端分离权限管理系统(精力有限,停止维护)
Stars: ✭ 2,079 (+950%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Springboot Rabbitmq
RabbitMQ为异步消息处理提出了一个很好的解决方案,它是一个非常好用的消息中间件,主要用于中间件的解耦,同时,Spring Boot为RabbitMQ提供了支持, Spring Boot为Rabbit准备了spring-boot-starter-amqp,spring-rabbit 支持 AMQP(即Advanced Message Queuing Protocol,高级消息队列协议,是应用层协议的一个开放标准),并且为RabbitTemplate和RabbitMQ提供了自动配置选项
Stars: ✭ 159 (-19.7%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Nice Knowledge System
📚不积跬步无以至千里,每天进步一点点,Passion,Self-regulation,Love and Share
Stars: ✭ 137 (-30.81%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Spring Boot React Maven Starter
A multi module Spring Boot React starter for building real-world enterprises apps
Stars: ✭ 90 (-54.55%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
Hibernate Springboot
Collection of best practices for Java persistence performance in Spring Boot applications
Stars: ✭ 589 (+197.47%)
Mutual labels:  spring-boot
601-660 of 733 similar projects