13 open source projects by CHH

1. Pipe
Put your assets into the pipe and smoke them.
✭ 120
2. Bob
Hi I'm Bob! I'm a tiny and messy build tool for PHP projects
✭ 102
3. Commander
Easy calling of system commands for PHP.
✭ 9
4. Cache Service Provider
A Cache Service Provider for Silex, using the doctrine/cache package
5. Httpfetch
A library for simple HTTP requests (using RingPHP)
✭ 5
6. Phpenv
Thin Wrapper around rbenv for PHP version managment
✭ 573
7. Heroku Buildpack Php
A more advanced PHP buildpack for Heroku, inspired by the Node.js buildpack
✭ 274
8. jazz
Turns nested arrays into HTML.
✭ 21
9. jekyll-prismic
Add Prismic.io content to your Jekyll site
✭ 31
10. eventemitter
A simple EventEmitter implementation in Go, using channels and Goroutines.
✭ 20
11. stack-honeypot
Inserts a trap for spam bots into responses.
12. kue
Generic interface to job queues for PHP projects.
✭ 18
13. sirel
Builder and Dumper for SQL Abstract Syntax Trees
✭ 37
1-13 of 13 user projects