All Git Users → dice-group

12 open source projects by dice-group

1. Gerbil
GERBIL - General Entity annotatoR Benchmark
3. Palmetto
Palmetto is a quality measuring tool for topics
4. Agdistis
AGDISTIS - Agnostic Named Entity Disambiguation
✭ 129
6. Nliwod
Collection of tools, utilities, datasets and approaches towards realising natural language interfaces for the Web of Data.
✭ 91
7. Largerdfbench
LargeRDFBench: A Billion Triples Benchmark for SPARQL Query Federation
✭ 17
IGUANA is a benchmark execution framework for querying HTTP endpoints and CLI Applications such as Triple Stores. Contact: [email protected]
9. n3-collection
N3 - A Collection of Datasets for Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in the NLP Interchange Format
✭ 65
10. hawk
Hybrid Question Answering (HAWK) -- is going to drive forth the OKBQA vision of hybrid question answering system using Linked Data and full-text information.
✭ 16
11. TeBaQA
A question answering system which utilises machine learning.
12. tentris
Tentris is a tensor-based RDF triple store with SPARQL support.
1-12 of 12 user projects