All Git Users → fzaninotto

12 open source projects by fzaninotto

1. Dependencywheel
A package dependency visualization using d3.js. Currently supports Composer for PHP.
✭ 242
2. Mongoose Lifecycle
Plugin for Mongoose (Node.js ODM for MongoDB) adding lifecyle events on the model class
✭ 93
3. Doctrine2activerecord
Experimental ActiveRecord layer on top of Doctrine2 using the Twig templating engine
✭ 86
4. Companynamegenerator
Generate names for English tech companies with class
✭ 67
5. Cron As A Service
Remote cron service built using Node.js and MongoDB
✭ 65
6. Screenshot As A Service
Website screenshot service powered by node.js and phantomjs
✭ 1,099
7. Faker
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
✭ 26,265
8. Codeflower
Source code visualization utility written in JavaScript with d3.js. Does your code look beautiful?
✭ 615
9. Uptime
A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.
✭ 3,609
10. Streamer
Object-Oriented API for PHP streams
✭ 263
11. Head-Up
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 21
12. PHPClassNameGenerator
Generate PSR-0 compliant class names with ease.
✭ 15
1-12 of 12 user projects