All Git Users → jrosebr1

5 open source projects by jrosebr1

1. Bat Country
A lightweight, extendible, easy to use Python package for deep dreaming and image generation with Caffe and CNNs.
✭ 243
2. Microsoft Dsvm
This repo contains deep learning + computer vision code I have ran on the Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine
3. Color transfer
Performs color transfer between two images. Loosely based on the "Color Transfer between Images" paper by Reinhard et al., 2001.
✭ 358
4. Imutils
A series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
✭ 3,920
5. Simple Keras Rest Api
A simple Keras REST API using Flask
✭ 341
1-5 of 5 user projects