All Git Users → phranck

6 open source projects by phranck

1. Ccnstatusitem
CCNStatusItem is a subclass of NSObject to act as a custom view for NSStatusItem. It supports a customizable statusItemWindow handling any viewController for presenting the content.
2. Cngridview
CNGridView is a (wanna be) replacement for NSCollectionView. It has full delegate and dataSource support with method calls like known from NSTableView/UITableView.
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3. Cnsplitview
CNSplitView is an feature enhanced derivative of NSSplitView. It has support for sticky top or bottom toolbars for each of its subviews.
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4. Ccnpreferenceswindowcontroller
CCNPreferencesWindowController is an Objective-C subclass of NSWindowController that automatically manages your custom view controllers for handling app preferences.
5. Cnusernotification
CNUserNotification is a kind of proxy to give OS X Lion 10.7 „the same‟ support for user notifications like OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 does. Benefits are also a bit more flexibility since you are able to define a custom banner image or variable dismiss delay times.
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6. Cnbackstagecontroller
CNBackstageController is an derivative of NSWindowController and a special impelementation to show you the content you would like to see. It mimics the behavior you’ve just seen in Notification Center (the Slide-In effect) of Mountain Lion.
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1-6 of 6 user projects