All Git Users → radare

11 open source projects by radare

1. Radare2ida
Tools, documentation and scripts to move projects from IDA to R2 and viceversa
✭ 125
2. Radare2 Capstone
Vala API and R2 plugins for the Capstone disassembler framework
✭ 24
3. Toys
✭ 18
4. slpm
suckless package manager
5. r2pipe-go
Go API to interact with radare2
✭ 27
6. radare
advanced unix-like hexadecimal editor and debugger
7. radare2-installer
Application to easily download and install radare2 on android devices
✭ 12
8. ired
minimalistic commandline hexadecimal editor similar to radare
9. valabind
create bindings from vapi to nodejs, python, swig, c++
10. spp
simple preprocessor
11. alt
Abstract Language Tree
1-11 of 11 user projects