All Git Users → syl20bnr

10 open source projects by syl20bnr

1. Evil Escape
Customizable key sequence to escape from insert state and everything else in Emacs.
✭ 190
2. Spacelpa
ELPA repository for stable versions of Spacemacs
✭ 92
3. Evil Lisp State
An evil state to navigate Lisp code and modify it with smartparens
✭ 84
4. Evil Tutor
Vimtutor adapted to Emacs+Evil and wrapped in a major mode.
✭ 64
5. Spacemacs Elpa Mirror
ELPA archive for Spacemacs packages.
✭ 28
6. Spacemacs
A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim!
7. vi-tilde-fringe
Display tildes on empty lines in the Emacs fringe a la Vi.
✭ 28
emacs lisp
8. i3status-keyboard-leds
A python wrapper for i3status adding current status of keyboard leds (Caps lock, Num lock)
✭ 18
Development version of Spacemacs website.
1-10 of 10 user projects