All Git Users → vim-scripts

143 open source projects by vim-scripts

51. Command T
Fast file navigation for VIM
✭ 24
52. Ag.vim
Use ag, the_silver_searcher (better than ack, which is better than grep)
✭ 23
53. Easytags.vim
Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
✭ 15
54. Vim Terraform
basic vim/terraform integration
✭ 5
55. Taglist.vim
Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)
✭ 604
56. Dbext.vim
Provides database access to many dbms (Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft, MySQL, DBI,..)
✭ 397
57. Yankring.vim
Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes
✭ 391
58. A.vim
Alternate Files quickly (.c --> .h etc)
✭ 272
59. Conque Gdb
GDB command line interface and terminal emulator in (G)Vim.
✭ 267
60. CycleColor
Cycles through available colorschemes
✭ 21
Vim Script
61. Gundo
Visualize your undo tree.
62. fcitx.vim
keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode
63. mayansmoke
Pleasant and ergonomic light-background color scheme.
✭ 22
Vim Script
64. vim-pad
a quick-notetaking plugin
65. autoload cscope.vim
Script that will search for and load cscope.out databases automatically
✭ 15
Vim Script
66. BufOnly.vim
Delete all the buffers except the current/named buffer
✭ 59
Vim Script
67. SingleCompile
Make it more convenient to compile or run a single source file.
✭ 16
Vim Script
68. SQLComplete.vim
SQLComplete is a SQL code completion system using the omnifunc framework
✭ 33
Vim Script
69. autohotkey-ahk
autohotkey syntax highlighting
✭ 14
Vim Script
70. AnsiEsc.vim
ansi escape sequences concealed, but highlighted as specified (conceal)
✭ 61
Vim Script
71. Syntastic
Automatic syntax checking
✭ 15
Vim Script
72. EnhancedJumps
Enhanced jump list navigation commands.
✭ 18
Vim Script
73. EasyMotion
Vim motions on speed!
✭ 15
Vim Script
74. applescript.vim
Syntax highlighting for AppleScript
✭ 20
Vim Script
75. bats.vim
Syntax highlighting for Bats - Bash Automated Testing System
✭ 21
Vim Script
76. Visual-Mark
Visual mark, similar to UltraEdit's bookmark
✭ 18
Vim Script
77. DirDiff.vim
A plugin to diff and merge two directories recursively.
✭ 33
Vim Script
78. TeTrIs.vim
A tetris game in pure vim
✭ 27
Vim Script
79. utl.vim
Univeral Text Linking - Execute URLs, footnotes, open emails, organize ideas
✭ 80
Vim Script
80. peaksea
Refined color, contains both gui and cterm256 for dark and light background
✭ 73
Vim Script
81. visualrepeat
Repeat command extended to visual mode.
✭ 24
Vim Script
82. surround.vim
Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
✭ 20
Vim Script
83. vis
Extended Visual Mode Commands, Substitutes, and Searches
✭ 31
Vim Script
84. searchfold.vim
Fold away lines not matching the last search pattern
✭ 14
Vim Script
85. molokai
A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate
✭ 27
Vim Script
86. ruby-matchit
'Matchit' for Ruby.
✭ 26
Vim Script
87. vundle
Vundle the Vim package manager
✭ 20
Vim Script
88. Color-Sampler-Pack
*NEW* [Jan 2010 Update] Top 100 Themes, GUI Menu
✭ 22
89. EasyGrep
Fast and Easy Find and Replace Across Multiple Files
✭ 54
Vim Script
90. MatlabFilesEdition
A set of files useful to edit Matlab files (indent, syntax,tags , mlint use...)
✭ 14
Vim Script
91. xptemplate
XP's Snippet Template engine for vim
✭ 23
Vim Script
92. Tagbar
Display tags of the current file ordered by scope
✭ 19
Vim Script
93. Better-CSS-Syntax-for-Vim
Make CSS more readable.
✭ 18
Vim Script
94. ctags.vim
Display function name in the title bar.
✭ 21
Vim Script
95. fugitive.vim
A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
✭ 13
Vim Script
96. perl-support.vim
Perl IDE -- Write and run Perl-scripts using menus and hotkeys.
97. gitignore
Set 'wildignore' from ./.gitignore
✭ 40
Vim Script
98. VimIRC.vim
An IRC client script
✭ 24
Vim Script
99. OutlookVim
Use Vim to edit the body of an email from Microsoft Outlook
100. phpfolding.vim
Automatic folding of PHP functions, classes,.. (also folds related PhpDoc)
✭ 38
Vim Script
51-100 of 143 user projects