#Artificial Intelligence cheat sheet
This cheat sheet contains many mathematical formula, equations,inference and diagrams on Artificial Intelligence.
Most of them are based on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
,Elements of Statisitical Learning
and Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective
Linear Models for Regression
- Maximum Likelihood
- Maximum Posterior
- Bayesian Linear Regression
- Bayesian Model Comparison
- The Evidence Approximation
Linear Models for Classification
- Discriminant Functions
- Generative Models
- Discriminative Models
- Laplace Approximation
- Bayesian Logistic Regression
Neural Networks
- Feed-forward Network Functions
- Network Training
- Parameter optimization
- Local quadratic approxmiation
- Use of gradient information
- Gradient descent optimization
- Error BackPropagation
- Evaluation of error-function derivatives
- Example
- Efficiency of backpropagation
- Jacobian matrix
- The Hessian Matrix
- Regularization in Neural Networks
- ...
- Early stopping
- Convolutional networks
- Mixture Density Networks
- Bayesian Neural Networks
Kernel Methods
Sparse Kernel Machines
- Maximum Margin Classifiers
- Relevance Vector Machines
Graphical Models
Mixture Models and EM
- K-means
- Mixtures of Gaussians
- Complementary View
- General EM
Approximation Inference
Sampling Methods
Continuous Latent Variables
Sequential Data
Combining Models
- Boosting
- Random Forests
Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Gamma function
Sample Latex formula $$\int_{0}^{\infty}f(\vec{x},\vec{w})dx$$
Book review
For Bayesian treatment, refer to PRML. For more data mining practical issues refer to ESL.
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