Orange3🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis
MarginsAn R Port of Stata's 'margins' Command
Statistical LearningLecture Slides and R Sessions for Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshinari's "Statistical Learning" Stanford course
Recheck Webrecheck for web apps – change comparison tool with local Golden Masters, Git-like ignore syntax and "Unbreakable Selenium" tests.
Morpheus CoreThe foundational library of the Morpheus data science framework
Image To 3d BboxBuild a CNN network to predict 3D bounding box of car from 2D image.
DynamlScala Library/REPL for Machine Learning Research
PeroxideRust numeric library with R, MATLAB & Python syntax
Uci Ml ApiSimple API for UCI Machine Learning Dataset Repository (search, download, analyze)
Machine learningEstudo e implementação dos principais algoritmos de Machine Learning em Jupyter Notebooks.
RemixautomlR package for automation of machine learning, forecasting, feature engineering, model evaluation, model interpretation, data generation, and recommenders.
Math PhpPowerful modern math library for PHP: Features descriptive statistics and regressions; Continuous and discrete probability distributions; Linear algebra with matrices and vectors, Numerical analysis; special mathematical functions; Algebra
Applied MlCode and Resources for "Applied Machine Learning"
SnapeSnape is a convenient artificial dataset generator that wraps sklearn's make_classification and make_regression and then adds in 'realism' features such as complex formating, varying scales, categorical variables, and missing values.
AyespyA performant visual regression testing tool
100daysofmlcodeMy journey to learn and grow in the domain of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by performing the #100DaysofMLCode Challenge.
MlkitA simple machine learning framework written in Swift 🤖
AppelpyApplied Econometrics Library for Python
Keras Yolo2Easy training on custom dataset. Various backends (MobileNet and SqueezeNet) supported. A YOLO demo to detect raccoon run entirely in brower is accessible at (not on Windows).
ReghdfeLinear, IV and GMM Regressions With Any Number of Fixed Effects
Fixedeffectmodels.jlFast Estimation of Linear Models with IV and High Dimensional Categorical Variables
Tiny mlnumpy 实现的 周志华《机器学习》书中的算法及其他一些传统机器学习算法
DharmaDiagnostics for HierArchical Regession Models
YcmlA Machine Learning and Optimization framework for Objective-C and Swift (MacOS and iOS)
Rul NetDeep learning approach for estimation of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an engine
GpstuffGPstuff - Gaussian process models for Bayesian analysis
NeuroflowArtificial Neural Networks for Scala
ThundersvmThunderSVM: A Fast SVM Library on GPUs and CPUs
OlsrrTools for developing linear regression models
MlA high-level machine learning and deep learning library for the PHP language.
TexregConversion of R Regression Output to LaTeX or HTML Tables
Openml RR package to interface with OpenML
PytsetlinmachineImplements the Tsetlin Machine, Convolutional Tsetlin Machine, Regression Tsetlin Machine, Weighted Tsetlin Machine, and Embedding Tsetlin Machine, with support for continuous features, multigranularity, and clause indexing
GaussianprocessesPython3 project applying Gaussian process regression for forecasting stock trends
MlboxMLBox is a powerful Automated Machine Learning python library.
AnticipyA Python library for time series forecasting
MetriculousMeasure and visualize machine learning model performance without the usual boilerplate.