lathoub / Arduino Applemidi Library
Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Arduino Applemidi Library
AppleMIDI (aka rtpMIDI) for Arduino
Enables an Arduino with IP/UDP capabilities (Ethernet shield, ESP8266, ESP32, ...) to particpate in an AppleMIDI session.
Important: Please read the note below on enlarging the standard Ethernet library buffersize to avoid dropping MIDI messages!
- Build on top of the popular FortySevenEffects MIDI library
- Tested with AppleMIDI on Mac OS (Big Sur) and using rtpMIDI from Tobias Erichsen on Windows 10
- Send and receive all MIDI messages
- Uses callbacks to receive MIDI commands (no need for polling)
- Automatic instantiation of AppleMIDI object (see at the end of 'AppleMidi.h')
- Compiles on Arduino, MacOS (XCode) and Windows (MSVS)
New in 3.0.0
- Bug Fixes (long session names get cropped)
- Reduced memory footprint (see AVR_MinMemUsage example and note below)
- Extended and revised callbacks to receive AppleMIDI protocol feedback (see AVR_Callbacks example)
- Who may connect to me (Directory) (see AVR_Directory example)
New in 3.1.0
- Increased stability in high-throughput situations
- Updated wiki
From the Arduino IDE Library Manager, search for AppleMIDI
This will also install FortySevenEffects MIDI library
Basic Usage
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <AppleMIDI.h>
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
void setup()
MIDI.begin(); // listens on channel 1
void loop()
// Listen to incoming notes;
if (something) {
// Send MIDI note 40 on, velocity 55 on channel 1
MIDI.sendNoteOn(40, 55, 1);
More usages in the examples folder and in the wiki
- Arduino/Genuino (Mega, Uno, Arduino Ethernet, MKRZERO, ...)
- ESP8266 (Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266, Sparkfun ESP8266 Thing Dev)
- ESP32 (Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board) Wi-Fi
- ESP32 with W5500 Setup
- Teensy 3.2 & 4.1
- Adafruit Feather M0 WiFi - ATSAMD21 + ATWINC1500
Network Shields
- Arduino Ethernet shield (Wiznet W5100 and W5500)
- Arduino Wifi R3 shield
- MKR ETH shield (W5500 and W6100 based)
- Teensy WIZ820io W5200
- Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet Kit
Session names
Session names can get really long on Macs (eg 'Macbook Pro of Johann Gambolputty .. von Hautkopft of Ulm') and will be trunctated to the MaxSessionNameLen
Memory footprint
The memory footprint of the library can be lowered significantly, read the wiki
Ethernet buffer size
It's highly recommended to modify the Ethernet library or use the Ethernet3 library to avoid buffer overruns - learn more
Use wired Ethernet to reduce latency, Wi-Fi increases latency and latency varies. More of the wiki
Arduino IDE (
- 1.8.13
I would love to include your enhancements or bug fixes! In lieu of a formal styleguide, please take care to maintain the existing coding style. Please test your code before sending a pull request. It would be very helpful if you include a detailed explanation of your changes in the pull request.