All Projects โ†’ a-maliarov โ†’ awesome-shields

a-maliarov / awesome-shields

Licence: MIT license
The list of styled dynamic informational shields, given the ability to exist by the truly amazing work of ๐Ÿ˜

Programming Languages

30231 projects

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to awesome-shields

Magically generate Markdown badges for your docs ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ ๐Ÿฆก ๐Ÿง™
Stars: โœญ 104 (+16.85%)
Mutual labels:  shields, shieldsio, shields-io
Jonah Lawrence's Profile README
Stars: โœญ 320 (+259.55%)
Mutual labels:  badges, shieldsio
Simple CLI tool to generate essential repository badges with ease
Stars: โœญ 16 (-82.02%)
Mutual labels:  badges, shieldsio
More advanced badges for projects using Travis or Sauce Labs
Stars: โœญ 77 (-13.48%)
Mutual labels:  badges, shields
Cryptocurrency Price Chart (GDAX)
Stars: โœญ 75 (-15.73%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
Laravel Gamify: Gamification System with Points & Badges support
Stars: โœญ 35 (-60.67%)
Mutual labels:  badges
Responsive Media Queries for Emotion styled or styled-components โ€” Standard size from Chrome DevTools.
Stars: โœญ 33 (-62.92%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
๐ŸŽง Web page made with Next.js and Typescript, for listen combinations of sounds for relaxing or getting more productive on tasks.
Stars: โœญ 17 (-80.9%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
Juggle all your tasks! (A fullstack Kanban app w/ drag-and-drop) ๐Ÿคนโ€โ™‚๏ธ
Stars: โœญ 38 (-57.3%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
My personal site made with Gatsby
Stars: โœญ 31 (-65.17%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
React App that uses TMDb API to display movie data. Try it out! ->
Stars: โœญ 38 (-57.3%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
Babel plugin to transpile object styles to template literal
Stars: โœญ 33 (-62.92%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
๐Ÿ•ฐ A customizable analog clock built using React
Stars: โœญ 16 (-82.02%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
โš›๏ธ react-native initial development environment setting
Stars: โœญ 30 (-66.29%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
Implement React concepts incrementally to a messenger app, training from
Stars: โœญ 70 (-21.35%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
๐Ÿš€A boilerplate for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with Reactjs, and Nodejs
Stars: โœญ 313 (+251.69%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
A React implementation of 2048 game built with typescript and styled-components
Stars: โœญ 66 (-25.84%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
Minimal UI theme with styled-components
Stars: โœญ 18 (-79.78%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
๐Ÿ’ฌ A React single page chat application (SPA), implementing
Stars: โœญ 98 (+10.11%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
๐Ÿฅ McHacks dashboard
Stars: โœญ 28 (-68.54%)
Mutual labels:  styled-components
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The list of styled dynamic informational shields, given the ability to exist by the truly amazing work of ๐Ÿ˜

Add some color to your repository! Or remove it, while leaving the logo on a badge. Anyway, it just looks dope ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Before Discord YouTube Build Status Code Coverage Dependencies
After Discord YouTube Build Status Code Coverage Dependencies


Came here from this video? Some of the categories in this repository have received some changes, and badges are listed in a bit different format in comparizon to what it looked like before. You can check out this video to understand more about how badges construction works or use this link with time code to just see how to translate a badge from HTML to Markdown.

Recent Updates:

  • October 25, 2020: Build, Code Coverage and Chat categories are fully covered. (+62)
  • October 18, 2020: The list is currently under development and is not completed.



Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.

Note that the project description data, including the texts, logos, images, and/or trademarks, for each open source project belongs to its rightful owner. If you wish to add or remove any projects, please contact us at [email protected].