Next GoProduction ready blog + boilerplate for Next.js 3.X
React DatepickerAn easily internationalizable, accessible, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web, build with styled-components.
ArcReact starter kit based on Atomic Design
Styled PropsSimple lib that allows you to set styled props in your styled-components without stress.
React Css GridReact layout component based on CSS Grid Layout and built with styled-components
PrejssGet the power of PostCSS with plugins in your JSS styles. 🎨 Just put CSS into JS and get it as JSS object.
Ui🦚 UI kit for decentralized apps
Styled PpxTyped styled components in Reason, OCaml and ReScript
React LoadingBuild a smooth and lightweight react component loading with css 🎉 .
React World✨🌌 A different web experience in 8 bit React.js World
Govuk ReactAn implementation of the GOV.UK Design System in React using CSSinJS
Next Blog FirestoreExample of blog built with React, Next.js, Firebase Firestore, Styled-Component, Mobx State Tree and other cool technologies
BancointerRedesign of Banco Inter's Internet Banking
LayoutsGrab-and-go layouts for React
ReactourTourist Guide into your React Components
Css In JsAutocomplete React Native / JS Styles and converting plain CSS to JS styles
React Landing Page🛬 Everything you need for a modern landing page, built with React & Styled Components
FrontendSave and share your best solutions
Styled ThemeExtensible theming system for styled-components 💅
Elm StyledStyling your Html Elements with typed Css 💅
GridThis package has moved and renamed
Ran⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
BedrockFoundational Layout Primitives for your React App
React Elastic CarouselA flexible and responsive carousel component for react
React Adminlte DashThis project is No Longer Maintained. React implementation of AdminLTE themed dashboard
2019 12🎟 급증하는 트래픽에도 안정적인 예약 서비스, Atomic Pattern을 적용한 재사용 가능한 컴포넌트, 실용적인 Testing을 주제로 하는 이벤트 서비스
15 PuzzleThe 15-puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of numbered square tiles in random order with one tile missing, built in react
React Site NavA kick ass site menu powered by styled components inspired by Stripe.
Goober🥜 goober, a less than 1KB 🎉 css-in-js alternative with a familiar API
React Page TransitionA React component that makes it easy to use the page transitions from the Codedrops page transitions demo with React
DelirWeb Technology driven VFX Application