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lludo / BitClout

Licence: MIT License
Some tools for the BitClout blockchain

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15916 projects


Tools and analytics data for the BitClout blockchain


1. The blockchain datamodel:


2. Some Services, Managers and Tools I built:

  • NetworkClient: Used to fetch all transactions given a blockHeight or an account publicKey
  • StorageClient: Used to save, read or check that a block has been saved on disk
  • QueryManager: Combine the NetworkClient & StorageClient to provide a higher level API to fetch all blocks from blockHeight to the last available one. Persist the result on disk to not fetch the same block again if it's already been fetched.
  • StateManager: Use the previous Classes to provide higher level API.
    • refresh(completion:): To update the locally stored blocks with the newly available ones
    • printAllTransactionForCreatorCoins(privateKey:): To print all the buy/sell that happened to a creator coin, given it's public key. This is printed in csv format where each line is blockHeight,coinsValueChange.
  • Tools: Contains math functions to convert from $BitClout prices to number of coins given the existing coins in circulation and vice versa.

Here is an example of how this can be used to resolve all accounts:

let stateManager = StateManager()
stateManager.refresh() { error in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    let allAccounts = stateManager.parseAllAccounts()
        .filter { $0.transfertToPublickKeys.count > 0 || $0.transfertFromPublickKeys.count > 0 }
        .sorted { $0.transfertToPublickKeys.count > $1.transfertToPublickKeys.count }
    for account in allAccounts {
        for transfertToPublickKey in account.transfertToPublickKeys {
            print("\(account.publicKey),\(account.currentUsername ?? "?"),\(transfertToPublickKey),\(account.usernames)")

Or a demo to print all the transactions for a creator:

let stateManager = StateManager()
stateManager.refresh() { error in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    let creatorKeyToFind = "BC1YLiWgKXYrpTkUZHyCbhfxU1bgJCQGcBvsQvPWuAwiVWnDFsvxudi" // @ludo
    stateManager.printAllTransactionForCreatorCoins(privateKey: creatorKeyToFind)

3. More to come...

In the meantime, feel free to play with this, and contribute back you findings if you think this might help others :)

  • My profile: @ludo
  • Snapshot of my feed before the image loss
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