Top 15915 swift open source projects

1. Swiftguide
Swift Featured Projects in brain Mapping
2. Iqkeyboardmanager
Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
3. Ios guides
Comprehensive open-source iOS guides
4. Swiftsoup
SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
6. Flagkit
Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
7. Ampoptip
An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.
8. Colorizeswift
Terminal string styling for Swift.
9. Cs193p Spring 2016
These are the lectures, slides, reading assignments, and problem sets for the 'Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift' CS193p course offered at the Stanford School of Engineering and available on iTunes U.
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10. Easydropdown
💧 Fantastic dropdown in Swift
11. Refactoratorapp
App version of Refactorator plugin
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12. Localize
Localize is a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings.
13. Passcode
🔑 Passcode for iOS Rxswift, ReactorKit and IGListKit example
14. Applefacedetection
Face Detection with CoreML
15. Squawk
Quick & interactive iOS alerts in Swift.
16. Swiftsyntaxhighlighter
A syntax highlighter for Swift code that uses SwiftSyntax to generate Pygments-compatible HTML.
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19. Volumebar
📣 Volume indicator that doesn't obstruct content
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21. Fastmonkey
非插桩 iOS Monkey, 支持控件,每秒4-5 action事件
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22. Drawerview
A drop-in view, to be used as a drawer anywhere in your app
23. Sscustomtabbar
Simple Animated tabbar with native control
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24. Vimmotionapp
Access macOS UI elements with your fingers stay on keyboard. Inspired by vim-easymotion & avy-mode.
25. Starconsolelink
StarConsoleLink inject the link to your Xcode console, which allows you to click on the link area rapid positioning to the log line.
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26. Console Kit
💻 APIs for creating interactive CLI tools.
27. Siphash
Simple and secure hashing in Swift with the SipHash algorithm
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29. Goldenpassport
A native implementation of Google Authenticator for Mac based on Swift
30. Dwanimatedlabel
An UILabel subclass that lets you animate text with different types
31. Vbrrollingpit
Simple, beautiful and interactive UITabBar
32. Advanced Swift
Notes of Advanced Swift. 《swift进阶》学习笔记 swift 5.3
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33. Firetodo
Simple Todo Application using SwiftUI / Firebase / Redux.
34. Swiftsimplify
🥷 High-performance polyline simplification library - port of simplify.js
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35. Lnpopupcontroller
LNPopupController is a framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Apple Music and Podcasts apps.
36. Fengniao
A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
38. Chipagecontrol
A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl. Mady by @ChiliLabs -
39. Resourcedoc
Share the swift resource for iOS dev
40. Martyjunior
You can change tab contents with swipe gesture on middle of UITableView!!
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41. Minamo
Simple coach mark library written in Swift
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42. Secureenclavecrypto
Demonstration library for using the Secure Enclave on iOS
43. Networklayerexample
Demo project for the article: (Swift 3)
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44. Escapey
An ESC key solution for new Apple Laptops
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45. Jsustockchat
JSUStockChat is a easy way to make stock chart with Auto Layout And StoryBoard!
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46. Processloadingview
ProcessLoadingView is a step indicator loading animation built using CABasicAnimation
47. Swift Concurrency
Concurrency utilities for Swift
48. Swiftui Moviedb
SwiftUI MovieDB prototype app built with Xcode 11 Beta & macOS 10.15 Catalina
49. Longinus
A pure Swift high-performance asynchronous image loading framework. SwiftUI supported.
50. Say Their Names Ios
Open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality.
1-50 of 15915 swift projects