All Projects → Guardiola31337 → codemotion-workshop

Guardiola31337 / codemotion-workshop

Licence: other
An example of how to create an Android app from scratch taking care of Architecture and Testing

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Codemotion Workshop project preparation.


The slides used to facilitate the workshop can be found here.


  • Android SDK API 23
  • Android SDK Build-tools
  • Android Support Library
  • Android Studio / IntelliJ + Plugin Scala (SBT)
  • Emulator, Genymotion or physical device
  • Ruby - Calabash


  1. cd to folder codemotion-workshop and sbt
  2. Open IntelliJ and File>Open>codemotion-workshop and double click in build.sbt
  3. SBT tab Click Refresh all SBT projects
  4. Project Structure>Project Settings>Modules>app>Dependencies>Module SDK Choose Android API 23 Platform
  5. Project Structure>Project Settings>Modules>app>Sources Select java from src/androidTest/ and press Test


cd to folder codemotion-workshop and sbt

  • projects -> Command to list all modules

project hexagon

  • test -> Command to execute tests in hexagon

  • compile -> Command to compile sources in hexagon

  • clean -> Command to clean hexagon module

project adapters

  • test -> Command to execute tests in adapters

  • compile -> Command to compile sources in adapters

  • clean -> Command to clean adapters module

project app

  • devices -> Command to list connected devices

  • android:run -> Command to install the app

  • android:compile -> Command to compile sources in app

  • android:test -> Command to execute androidTests in app

  • android:clean -> Command to clean app module

Calabash - Ruby

  1. Install rbenv and ruby-build
  • You can install rbenv and ruby-build using the Homebrew package manager on Mac OS X:
$ brew update
$ brew install rbenv ruby-build
  1. Add rbenv init to your shell to enable shims and autocompletion.
$ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Use ~/.bashrc on Ubuntu, or ~/.zshrc for Zsh.

  1. Restart your shell so that PATH changes take effect. (Opening a new terminal tab will usually do it.) Now check if rbenv was set up:
$ type rbenv
#=> "rbenv is a function"
  1. Install Ruby
# list all available versions:
$ rbenv install -l

# install a Ruby version:
$ rbenv install 2.2.3
  1. rbenv local
  • cd to folder codemotion-workshop and
$ rbenv local 2.2.3
  1. Install Calabash
  • cd to folder codemotion-workshop and
$ gem install calabash-android
  1. Run Calabash tests
  • cd to folder codemotion-workshop and
$ calabash-android run ./modules/app/target/android/output/app-debug.apk

Following each step

We have included sbt-groll plugin so you can move around the Git commit history and see the progress.

cd to folder codemotion-workshop, sbt and groll initial

> groll next

That will take you to next commit and step. Use groll prev if you want to go back.

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